The Unifying Aspects of Cultures


Europe/Africa - The Foreign as the Other Self

Chair of the section/Suggestions, Abstracts, Contributions to:
Email: Walter Weyers (Landestheater Schwaben, Memmingen)

ABSTRACT: Or: the foreign is what becomes part of me through others. - The foreign is not the enemy. The foreign is the not so well known. That which with another look can become something recognizable in the sense of the foreseeable. As the humanly possible. Something that shows what I am to me as something not so much lived as livable. In that way the foreign is also a mission. To expand the horizon around that which I also could be. The foreign removes the borders from around one's self, in order to reveal new borders. It is not without limits. It is instruction and warning. The latter also because of that which I now am. And because of the blindness for that which I am not. Also because of that which I do not want to be.

For artistic work the foreign is the essential thing. In the sense of the search for those aspects of oneself, of which one is only partly aware. In the hope for more, which can only be fulfilled in others. Even to make the foreign something familiar is the task of art. So that it can emerge in new form before us. I am the other. Already in my search, which in a strange way confronts the self with the ego (as self object).

As confrontation with the foreign (and "foreigners") is the food of art. Every expansion around yet another other helps it enclose that which we are anew. - Such enclosing and expanding is the opportunity that accompanies globalization.