The Unifying Aspects of Cultures


Borrowing and Translation at the Crossroads of Language and Culture Contact

Maria Piotrowska (Cracow Pedagogical University, Poland)
Cultural Transposition in Translation Methodology

The presentation addresses the problem of introducing cultural issues into the process of teaching translation. Relying on the assumption that intercultural awareness is indispensable for the translator, it is investigated how to incorporate 'culture training' into the translator training programmes. The importance of the awareness and sensitivity factors is emphasized in this context of strategic translating, which consists in the translator's deliberate decision-making processes localized against the options of cultural transposition paradigm. Some curriculum suggestions are given with respect to selected theoretical (cultural identity, icons, distant and close cultures, etc.) and practical (e.g. language phenomena: humour, textual phenomena: magazine headlines, etc.) aspects of culture, which are of a preliminary character due to the fact that the research problem has just recently been unfolded and specified.