The Sunpendulum Concept
Kurt Hofstetter
First of all it is quite fascinating for me to report on unifying
aspects in my experiences touching different cultures within the
realisation process of my media art project "Sunpendulum".
Let me introduce you to the Sunpendulum concept, which I released
in 1997.
images by Hofstetter Kurt © 1997 ff
"As time goes by, that means with the rotation of
the earth sunlight wanders its way to earth.
In 12 time zones around the earth videocameras are directed towards
the sky and connected online to the InterNet. 12 videocameras
- time-eyes - around the earth watch the sky. - INPLUSION
At a certain place on earth 12 screens are set up in a circle
within a pavilion. Those screens are connected online via the
Internet with the 12 time-eyes and transmit the sunlight from
the 12 time zones. - EXPLOSION
A sun clock is being created.
With public and private support I was able to begin the realisation
of my project in 1998. Since 1999 the Sunpendulum team has been
going around the earth installing the 12 Sunpendulum Time-Eyes
in the 12 time zones. We have already installed 9 Time-Eyes at
universities in 9 time zones. On the occasion of the Sunpendulum
Time-Eye's installation each university held a press conference,
including a contemplative video presentation about the Sunpendulum
project (approx. 20 minutes long) to mediate the artistic concept,
essential Sunpendulum visualisations as well as to communicate
the scientific collaborations.
What has certainly been an unifying aspect has been the series
of incredibly successful media reports and the press coverage
that followed the Sunpendulum press conferences, even though the
public relations experts in all the time zones strictly advised
against a contemplative, artistic video presentation within the
framework of the press conferences. So I think the artistic concept
initiates a reflection on the archaic relationship with the all-encompassing
cosmos as well as being embedded at every moment in its ongoing
process and that 20 minutes of time reinforces the strength of
the experience.
Within the frame of the Time-Eye's installation" two representatives
of the respective time zones are invited to be involved in the
parallel project "facing time sunset talks".
I spend one hour with each invited person facing the sun during
sunset. We are parallel to each other; our seeing rays and the
sunbeams in parallel point to the same infinitely distant point,
where they meet each other. Simultaneously, we rotate with the
earth and circulate around the sun. It is about parallelism and
circulation, staged to experience time within 12 different cultures.
Moments of this time experience are recorded by a video camera.
The camera is directed towards the sun and towards the same infinitely
distant point, back-light shooting. The persons become silhouettes
that frame the light of the sun. The radical reduction of the
formal matter and action (story line), intensified by the camera
focus, consequently repeated all around the earth, gives the viewer
time to reflect. The slowness of the pictures allows the possibility
of finding parallel contents beyond the formal image reception.
To spend time with time, from abstract time (artificial slow motion
of natural movements) to time experienced as a cosmic process
(rotation of the earth) ... or to be bored ... as long as the
picture is interrupted by a certain question, which again reflects
on time. Image perception depends on time - time encodes images.

video still by Barbara Doser © 1999
It is again a unifying aspect, that in all the "sunset
talks" I have experienced more or less the same series of
communication stages - the mood of the various situations within
the first 20 minutes show:
- a very clear process of touching -
- a lot of questions regarding the Sunpendulum -
- personal questions -
- usually a disregard of the Sunset phase -
- the Sunset is really incidental and not of direct interest
- some comments on the ongoing weather
from 20 - 40 minutes:
- no more concrete questions of interest -
- all questions have already been asked -
- it does not matter whether they are answered or not -
- the first moments of looking consciously at the Sun -
- catching Sky moments -
- still -
- nothing to say
- boring -
- very boring -
- what I am doing here? -
- what is going on in the very next moment ? -
- waiting -
- is this an artistic performance ? -
- nothing happens -
- really nothing more than the sunset -
- quite exhausting to view the sun directly -
- the sunbeams exert a pressure on the body -
- sweat
from 40 - 60 minutes:
- the sun getting stronger and stronger -
- everything becoming relaxed -
- the body is warm getting into a good mood -
- your frequency is tuned to the sun -
- there is nothing more of interest -
- no more questions -
- still -
- simply sitting and facing the Sun -
- reflecting and non-reflecting -
- enjoying the situation -
- simply a cosmic experience -
- thank you.
© Kurt Hofstetter
- born on July 16, 1959 in Linz, concept and
media artist, living and working in Vienna.
- artistic domains: concepts, sound-compositions,
mathematical reflections, light sculptures, computer & video
installations, InterNet sculptures, time sculptures, media art
installations in public space
- 2003 sunpendulum time-eye of Calcutta - Jadavpur
University Calcutta - India - Calcutta
- 2003 sunpendulum time-eye of Hong Kong -
HK University of Science & Technology - China - Hong Kong
- 2002 sunpendulum time-eye of Dubai - Zayed
University Dubai - United Arab Emirates - Dubai
- 2001 sunpendulum time-eye of the Azores -
Universidade dos Acores - Portugal - Angra Heroismo
- 2000 sunpendulum time-eye of Ensenada - Universidad
de Baja California - Mexico - Ensenada
- 2000 sunpendulum time-eye of New Orleans
- University of New Orleans - Nerw Orleans
- 2000 sunpendulum time-eye of Cairo - Ain
Shams University Cairo - Cairo
- 1999 sunpendulum time-eye of Granada - Universidad
de Granada - Spain - Granada
- 1999 sunpendulum time-eye of Bermuda - Bermuda
Underwater Exploration Institute - Bermuda
- 1999 sunpendulum time-eye of Hawaii - Maui
High Performance Computing Center - Maui /Hawaii
- 1994 one moment of time - railway station
"Vienna South" - Vienna
- 1993 planet of the commuters with the 3 time-moons
- rail & sub station "Landstraße - Vienna Middle"
- Vienna
- 2002 'facing time eyes' www-client -
- 2001 'facing time eyes' 1st installation
- look around, Medienwerkstatt Wien - Vienna
- 2000 'as time goes b-eye' - sunpendulum reflection,
Egyptian Embassy - Vienna
- 1999 'lips pendulum', 'complementary light
pendulum' - II=0, Echoraum - Vienna
- 1998 'moments in communication' - Sarajevska
Zima / internat. art festival - Sarajevo
- 1997 'die Zeit pendelt durch den Raum' -
Arbeit Buch Wissenschaft, Arbeiterkammer - Vienna
- 1997 'the smile that you send out returns
to you' - TopCall, stock market - Vienna
- 1996 'moments underway' - art cards in Euro-City
trains - Europe
- 1996 'moving moments @ pendel' - "Schrägspuren"
- international video festival - Klagenfurt
- 1996 'moving moments @ pendel' - 100 Years
Cinema, Art Hall Vienna - Vienna
- 1996 'moving moments @ pendel' - internat.
Festival - Media Scape 4 - Zagreb
- 1992 'time-eye' - Im Augenblick, Haus Wittgenstein/Thurn&Taxis
- Vienna/Bregenz
- 1991 'Explosion Inplusion' - light installation,
Skala - Vienna
- 1990 'Samples & Pictures' in HPC - Industry
90, fair area - Hannover - Hannover
- 1989 'Hofstetter Pendulum Clockwork' (HPC)
- World Tech Vienna, Austria Center Vienna - Vienna
COOPERATIONS (selection)
- 1997 - 2002 sunpendulum architecture, research
and parallel media work with the sunpendulum team in progress
- 1997 Luminers Call - Date 1 - media performance
with Barbara Doser - European Cultural Month 1997 - Ljubljana
- 1996 pendel- datapool of moments - - with
Ars Electronica Center - since 1996 a www-residence project -
WWW / Linz
- 1996 moving moments 96 - exchange of video
moments via InterNet with Doser / Math - Sarajevo - Vienna -
- 1995 frame 04199401.0-4 - video-infrared-sound-installation
with Doser / Math - Museum of Applied Arts - MAK - Vienna
- 1995 Changing Messages Parallel Crossover
- telematisches Radio-Live-Event - with Doser / Math - TRANSIT
ORF-Art Radio/ Radio Sarajevo - Innsbruck
- 1994 Mreza/Netz - telephone concert in Ljubljana,
Belgrade, Pula with the project group Mreza/Netz - Sarajevo,
Skopje and Vienna; Remise-Vienna Vienna
- 1993 Against Violence - dance, video- and
sound performance with Zabelka, Doser, Uveric, Carneiro, Kotterer
- subway station Vienna-Middle - Vienna
VIDEO-, SOUND- & PROJECT presentations
with Barbara Doser in more than 22
countries - selection:
- int. film festival Rotterdam, Rencontres
international Paris/Berlin, 'short cuts cologne'/Köln, int.
video festival / Kansk, 'file' - Sao Paulo, New York independent
film and video festival, Festival des Cinémas Différents
/ Paris, Film+Arc 1/Graz, Ostranenie/Dessau, Next Five Minutes
/ Amsterdam, Biennale/St.Petersburg, Media Wave/Györ ...
| vertreten bei "Video Edition Austria release 01"
- 2003 Austria Center Vienna The Unifying Aspects
of Cultures lecture 'time?experience' Vienna
- 2002 University of Vienna / Pulizistik lecture
'video moments and violence' - Vienna
- 2002 European Symposium on Solar Architecture
'the Sunpendulum pavilion #2 / solar cells' Vienna
- 2002 Zayed University Dubai lecture 'Sunpendulum
- artistic details' - Dubai
- 2001 Medienwerkstatt Wien talk 'moebius tape
in terms of time & sound' - Vienna
- 2001 Museum of Modern Art East&East split
reality 'artistic communication former yugoslavia' - Vienna
- 2001 Summer Academy Riczsovary workshop 'moments
in communication' / Hungary - Ricszovary
- 2000 University of New Orleans lecture 'Sunpendulum
- artistic details' - New Orleans
- 1999 University of Vienna / Institute for
Cybernetics lecture 'the sunpendulum project' - Vienna
- 1999 Summer Academy Topolcianky workshop
'moving moments' / Slovakia - Topolcianky
- 2002 scientific papers about simple constructions
of the Golden Section published at Forum Geometricorum
- 2003
- 1993 protection by patent of the Republic
of Austria for the "Hofstetter Pendulum Clockwork"
- permanent installation in the Historical Museum of Vienna
- 1996 Brunel Award Commendation - Copenhagn
- international award for the permanent media installation at
- railway station "Landstraße -
Vienna Middle" "planet of the commuters with the three
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For quotation purposes:
Kurt Hofstetter: The Sunpendulum Concept. In: TRANS. Internet-Zeitschrift
für Kulturwissenschaften. No. 15/2003. WWW:
Webmeister: Peter
R. Horn last change: 24.8.2004