Trans Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 16. Nr. Dezember 2005

2.5. Inner and Outer Determinants of Innovations, Reproduction and Traditions: Synthetic Approach
Herausgeber | Editor | Éditeur: Gennady Uzilvesky (Orel, Russia)

Dokumentation | Documentation | Documentation

Report: Inner and Outer Determinants of Innovations, Reproduction and Traditions: Synthetic Approach

Gennady Uzilvesky (Orel, Russia)

14 contributions were delivered in the section "Inner and outer determinants of innovations, reproduction, and traditions: synthetic approach". These contributions can be divided into three groups:

  1. nine reports are dedicated to the research of innovations, reproductions, and traditions from the position of metaphysical semiotics;
  2. two of them are dedicated to the investigation of innovations, reproductions, and traditions from the position of general theory of developing systems;
  3. three reports are dedicated to the research of innovations, reproductions, and traditions from sociological point of view.

My report "Innovations, reproductions and traditions in the context of human genus development in XXI century from the positions of metaphysical semiotics" opened the first group of contributions. It has been shown that post-nonclassicial science, new science-capacious and information technologies, economy of service, post-industrial civilization, federalist direction of economic, societal and state structures, increasing of the significance of world culture with the simultaneous development of national cultures, etc. are not only inner and outer factors of human genus development, but also - the indicators of the new stage of its evolution. While taking into account these factors and the previous research of the generic human as material-ideal-spiritual formation with its dimensions (biological, symbolic, psychic, cultural, and social) and the generic symbolic human with its positive and negative spiritual spheres, mentality and body sphere, innovations, reproductions, and traditions have been essentially studied in the context of metaphysical semiotics.

In this regard the tradition has been defined as a dual noumenal-phenomenal formation that is represented as a set of spiritual and ideal essences built up in phylogenesis of human genus and being developed in its ontogenesis. Innovation is a phenomenal formation that appears in the form of material, ideal or spiritual object, represents itself as a real or potential change and/or transformation in this or that sphere of socio and is able to transit in tradition-phenomenon in the future. Reproduction has been interpreted in two forms:

The inner and outer determinants of traditions, innovations and reproductions were exposed. Outer determinants of innovations, reproductions, and traditions include: the means of production of own life, spiritual production, societal and social production, production of material wealth and services, production of social collective wealth.

While considering innovations and traditions in the context of human genus evolution, it has been found out that innovations are being controlled by the mind as operational system and traditions - by the unconsciousness as conservative system. It follows from the fact that innovations and traditions are in close connections with each other. These mutual ties favour the conclusion that the tradition is the inner determinant of innovation and innovation is the outer form of tradition. This conclusion assists me to work out principles of evolutional conservatism as the direction of societal thought of XXI century aimed at stimulation of human genus evolution.

Waleriy Amelin’s report "Tradition as inner determinant of Innovation: philosophical aspects" was dedicated to reveal the development of innovation (rationalism) and tradition (conservatism) in the context of the new division into periods of evolution of human being and his/her personality in European culture from antiquity up to the formation of post-industrial civilization. It has been shown that now there are no antagonistic contradictions not only between innovations and traditions, but also between rationalism and conservatism.

The analysis of interaction of innovation and traditions during different stages of aesthetics development in the context of the divisions into periods stated above was carried out. It was found out that the classic aesthetics (periods of antiquity and the Middle Ages) did not strive for innovations by any way; on the contrary, the display of tradition-noumenon into traditions-phenomena took place in effect. The difference of the modernist aesthetics (Renaissance + Early New time /XIII-XVIII centuries) from the classic one lies in the fact that the formula "innovation - outer determinant of tradition" totally displays itself here in all relations. It has been demonstrated that the leadership in postmodernist aesthetics (Late New time /XVIII-XX centuries) belongs to the formula "tradition - inner determinant of innovation". The reporter has reasoned that formation and development of economy of service and post-industrial civilization will cause the evolution of aesthetics towards the regenerated modern, which the formula "innovation - outer determinant of tradition plays the first fiddle in".

While analyzing the constituents of English political tradition based on E. Burke’s heredity, he came to conclusion that the classical conservatism should be taken into account by creating the evolutional conservatism.

Vladimir Andreev (Orel, Russia) made a successful attempt to consider the phenomenon of intellectual technology from the positions of synthetic bottom up approach and synthetic analysis in his report "Intellectual control and management technologies as inner determinant of innovations in the post-industrial civilization era". It has been shown that the evolution of the means of labor consists in the dialectical change of traditions by innovations. It has been found out that those stages of means of labor evolution as mechanization, automation, informatization are traditions, which represent themselves towards intellectualization as inner determinants of innovations. It has been demonstrated that the intellectual technologies are the prevailing innovations, which can become the inner determinant of post-industrial world and transform into the tradition-noumenon.

Alexey Melnikov (Orel, Russia) has shown in his report " Innovations, reproduction and traditions: the synthetic approach " that youth inclination to innovation is caused by the fact that its representatives have propensities to super early training, creativity, self-updating, self-determination and self-actualization, which should be developed from the prenatal period, infantile and early childhood stages of social person age development in comparison with other layers of the population. In this case the display of spontaneity as exceed from the bounds of him/herself, personal and public connections, terrestrial and space begins in young people. These features and peculiarities of the generic symbolic human have been considered as internal determinants of youth as innovative generation.

It has been stated that it is of use to attribute five means of productions to external determinants of youth development as innovative generation, namely: the means of production of own life, spiritual production, production of public and social life, production of the collective social services, production of material welfare and services.

The reporter has demonstrated the great practical significance of the realization of inner and outer determinants of youth development as innovative generation. The systemic complex of measures has been represented in order to transform the human potential into a higher level of living standard. In this respect it has been underlined that the realization of these determinants will lead to the new higher level of youth potential reproduction.

The problems of transforming innovations into traditions-noumena have been discussed in the report "Interrelations and interactions of innovations, traditions and reproductions in computer market" made by Andrey Tupitsyn (Orel, Russia). It has been shown that the invention of processor and personal computer opened a new period in the market evolution that was characterized by the leadership of this innovation as the outer determinant of market traditions. It has been revealed that the innovation in consideration transformed very quickly into the tradition-noumenon and then the latter as the inner determinant of innovations - in the groups of innovations-phenomena. The mutual transformation of the innovation and tradition that possesses the cyclic character should be considered as the process of reproduction of the object, subject or a system in general and the market in particular. It let him to consider the market as noumenal-phenomenal formation and to represent its modern peculiarities. Internet was also considered as the market innovation that indeed transformed very quickly into the tradition-noumenon that stimulated the transition of industrial economy into economy of service.

L. Stelmaсh’s report "Innovations in the social sphere and their ties with the safety of society and state" was dedicated to the research of mutual ties of innovations and traditions, on the one hand, and the negative impact of hasty innovations upon the spiritual sphere, mentality and body sphere of various social groups in particular, and safety of society and state in general, on the other hand. It was found out that social innovations should be implemented into the social practice by taking into account the traditions of various professional, confessional, ethnic groups, peoples, and etc. represented in the form of peculiarities of their spiritual sphere, mentality and body sphere.

In the report "On logic, frontiers, and determinants of the pedagogic innovations" professor Gennady Lobastov (Moscow, Russia) has concentrated his attention on three aspects: existence of limits of pedagogic innovations activities, parameters of the current forms of pedagogic innovations activities, inner and outer determinants of pedagogic innovations activities as sources of their creative and destructive moments. In this respect he has underlined that historic culture (the set of traditions) is the outer determinant of human abilities development; the inner determinant of human abilities is programs, languages and codes of human genus. The form of reproduction of human abilities of the concrete human being is a case of the separate innovative process. Both inner and outer determinants should be taken into account while investigating and designing innovative pedagogic technologies.

Sergey Vazhenin (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) has shown in his report "Conceptual analysis of innovations, traditions, administration and management in the sphere of physical training and sports" that the constructs "administration" and "management are closely connected with such concepts as "innovations", "reproduction" and "traditions". The reporter has come to conclusion that the essential features of such phenomena as administration and management are the outer determinants of appearance and realization of innovations and maintenance of traditions in physical training and sports. The scientific and technical achievements are discussed as outer determinants of innovations. He has underlined that it is necessary to take into account the direct ties and feedbacks between such phenomena as innovations, traditions, administration and management.

In his report "HIV -infection: inner and outer factors of its outbreak and spread, innovations and traditions of its prevention and treatment" Waleriy Molotilov (Orel, Russia) has shown that the set of inner factors of this illness includes: decay of moral standards, which regulate sexual behavior, loss of fundamental moral criteria and values concerning family, child birth and education, human immune system deficiency and its failure to resist infectious diseases. Severe cultural, social, and economic situation in various regions of our planet and in separate strata of society, high level of unemployment and rapid growth of illicit drugs, etc. are considered as outer factors of the illness. The analysis of these factors suggests that HIV-infection is caused more likely by social, economic and moral factors, than by biological and physiological ones.

The history of the outbreak and spread of this illness indicates that innovations became the basis of struggle with this illness. The innovations were immediately transformed into the traditions-noumena, which turned into traditions-phenomena. It indicates that there are two formulas in action: innovation is outer determinant of tradition, and tradition is inner formula of innovation. It has been underlined that this infection sets the extraordinary complex goal of betterment of human genus, its spiritual, intellectual, cultural, social, psychic and biological beginnings before the mankind: The self-development and self-organization of human genus favour this supposition.

Professor Veniamin Epshtein (Wuppertal, Deutchland) has expressed his original views on the origin of innovation and traditions in his report "Invariants as a base of realization of innovations from the position of general theory of developing systems (GTDS). He has shown that there are three main processes that proceed in biological processes:

  1. latent process of accumulations of qualitative and quantitative changes in biological species;
  2. the transition from one plateau of biological organization to another that characterizes by changes, which lead to fundamental complexity of species;
  3. changes in the space of one plateau, which proceed without fundamental complexity of specious.

According to his studies the first process is a prototype of process of innovation generation, the second - generation of a tradition-noumenon, the third - generation of a tradition-phenomenon.

The particular role of feedback in complex human oriented system has been outlined. In this respect it has been suggested that t he relations between innovations and traditions in complex developing systems are determined by feedbacks. The latter brings innovations into better agreement with the system structures and offers a considerable scope for their further development. Some examples of explaining the formation of innovations, traditions-noumena and traditions-phenomena in the context of GTDS are represented. Analyzing Kuhn’s views about essence of scientific paradigms has showed the practical significance of his views concerning innovations, traditions, and education.

In his report "The problem of relations between traditions and innovations in the context of general theory of developing systems" professor Genrich Yeyger (Hammeln, Deutschland) has shown the importance to study the interaction of traditions and innovations in the space of biolinguistics as a transdisciplinary scientific specialization, formed as the result of mutual influence of linguistics that investigates the evolution of natural language, and biology that examines the biological evolution. He has stressed the fact that nowadays traditions and innovations are studied in biolinguistics only in the context of phenomenological position.

Professor Nikolai Danakin (Belgorod, Russia) in his report "Strategies of innovations: phenomenological characteristics" has come up with new typology of innovations in relation to the extent of their validity and correspondence to the objective logic of innovation regularities: directive, competitive, " self-sufficient", alternative, "cosmetic", "rational" or "problem-oriented". These strategies have been considered and discussed in the context of phenomenological sociology.

Ivan Кonevs report "On characteristics of innovation culture in current Russia" is dedicated to the research of innovation as process, which a lot of people and organizations participate in. He arrived at the conclusion that the transition to innovation has not sociologically provided in Russia. Three deep social-cultural roots of innovation passivity have been formulated and discussed:

  1. A traditional social and economical structure of Russian life did not demand intensive innovations. Humans accustomed to manage with something that they had at their disposal.
  2. As a rule, innovations were initiated "from above". Most people had nothing to do than to accept them as something unalterable.
  3. Various innovations change each other on the surface of people life, they did not penetrate into the deepness of the latter. Everything remained without changes.

In her report "Innovation and social norm: conflict or consensus" Irina Golikova (Belgorod, Russia) has shown the significance of interplay research between innovation and norm for understanding innovation practice and culture. She suggests that norm conserves the essence in existed objects, but innovation activities change the latter. Dynamic interaction of norm and innovative activities, constant shift of equilibrium between them to one or another side determine the co-existence of functioning and development. In this regard three factors of innovative overcoming norm conservatism are considered and discussed. They include:

  1. irregularity of normative structure of society, in which there are always normative distinctions, but sometimes contradictions are observed;
  2. fluctuation and relative non-rigidity of norms, that gives a chance to generate and realize innovations;
  3. action of mechanism "new is generated in the space of periphery".

Five ways of innovative overcoming of norms conservatism towards their renovation are revealed and discussed:

  1. creation of norms; it means a factual introduction of an alternative norm;
  2. borrowing and adoption of norms, which are used in other spheres of activities;
  3. rationalization of norm with taking into consideration the categories of efficiency and expediency;
  4. confrontation of norm and demand;
  5. deduction of innovation from norms.

These factors and ways of innovative overcoming of norms conservatism favour the generalization of relations between social norms and innovations in the context of conflict and consensus.

The analysis of reports represented above indicates that these three directions of traditions, innovations, and reproduction research complement each other. From this assertion it follows that it is of use to create a synthetic conception concerning nature, interaction and "behavior" of tradition, innovations, and reproductions.

© Gennady Uzilvesky (Orel, Russia)

2.5. Inner and Outer Determinants of Innovations, Reproduction and Traditions: Synthetic Approach

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For quotation purposes:
Gennady Uzilvesky (Orel, Russia): Report: Inner and Outer Determinants of Innovations, Reproduction and Traditions: Synthetic Approach. In: TRANS. Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften. No. 16/2005. WWW: _bericht16.htm

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