Signs and the City. In honor of Jeff Bernard

Nr. 18    Juni 2011 TRANS: Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften

Signs and the City
In honor of Jeff Bernard

Section chairs: Gloria Withalm (Institute for Socio-Semiotic Studies ISSS and University of Applied Arts, Vienna) [BIO] | Anna Spohn (University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria)

Konferenzdokumentation |  Conference publication

Gloria Withalm (Institute for Socio-Semiotic Studies ISSS & University of Applied Arts, Vienna) | Anna Spohn (University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria) Section report: Signs and/in/on the City…

Jana Wisniewski (e-motion Artspace INTERNETKUNSTZEITSCHRIFT, Österreich) ZEICHEN SETZEN:

Richard Lanigan (International Institute for Communicology, Washington DC, USA) Communicology as a Human Paradigm For Urban Semiotics

Daina Teters (Latvian Academy of Culture, Latvia) The semiotics of paths, roads, and streets

Patrizia Calefato (Università degli Studi di Bari, Italia) Fashion and the city

Jarmila Doubravová (Western Czech University; Czech Republic) Concept of “my” City (after E. de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats)

Mattias Kärrholm | Gunnar Sandin (Lund University, Sweden) Waiting Places as Temporal Interstices and Agents of Change

Irene Portis-Winner (Massachusetts College of Art, Boston MA, USA) The City, Whose City?

Alexander Wolodtschenko (Technische Universität Dresden, Deutschland) Atlaskonzeptionelle und kartosemiotische Untersuchungen: Doppelstädte Europas

Roland Graf (Fachhochschule St. Pölten, Austria) Gotham City: Medieval signs of Modernity. The representation of American urban life in Batman-comics

Dirk Siefkes (Technical University of Berlin, Germany) Communication “big” and “small”. Signs in the city and in small environments

Zdzisław Wąsik (Philological School of Higher Education in Wrocław und Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland) Urbanität als eine interdiskursive Kompetenz

Pia | Sonja Kral (Universität Wien, Österreich) Argumentative Darstellung der Stadt Paris (1900) – Das Beispiel eines Reiseführers als Werbung

Martina Elicker (University of Graz, Austria) Cityscapes: A Trip across the US in Popular Song

Magdolna Orosz (Eötvös Lorand Tudomanyegyetem / University of Budapest, Hungary) Symbolisierungsprozesse von Städten in literarischen Texten der Frühen Moderne

Gila Safran Naveh (University of Cincinnati, USA) Urban Space as an Impenetrable Network of Signs


 Inhalt | Table of Contents Nr. 18

Webmeister: Gerald Mach     last change: 2011-06-17