Abecassis, Jack I.

Abecassis, Jack I.: Professor of French, Pomona College. Chair, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. University of California, Davis: Ph.D., French, 1990. Université de Paris IV, Sorbonne: Magistère de Langue et de Civilisation Française, 1984. Research Areas: Montaigne, Pascal La Rochefoucauld, Early Modern Thought, Albert Cohen, Modern Jewish Literature and Thought, Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism, Contemporary French Thought, in particular, Anti-Totalitarian Thought (Daniel Sibony, Andre Glucksmann, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Alain Finkielkraut). Publications: Albert Cohen: Dissonant Voices, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. «Cohen, Nihiliste juif?» in Perspectives, no. XII, October, 2005. „Camus‘ Pulp Fiction,“ Modern Language Notes, Special Issue: Camus 2000, September 1997, Vol. 112, No. 4, pp. 625-41. „The Fragility of Philosophy: Passions – Ancient and Modern,“ (Review Essay), Modern Language Notes, Comparative Literature Volume, September 1995, Vol. 110, No. 4, pp. 918-42. „The French Response to 9/11“ (Jean-Marie Colombani, Jean Baudrillard, Régis Debray), Faculty Research Report, Pomona College, November 20, 2002. „Philosophy and the Sacred: Transcendence and the Limits of Skepticism“, Karl Jaspers Society of North America Section, Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, Mar. 26-28, 1995.

Email: jackabecassis@yahoo.com or jabecassis@pomona.edu

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Problems in the Translation of Belle du Seigneur (16.Nr.)

Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/abecassis_jack    2006-03-06
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