Alexanian, Ashot

Alexanian, Ashot, Dr.: born 1961 in Yerevan, Republic of Armenia; Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD), 1988, Institut of Literature, Academy of Sciences of Armenian SSR. „Armenian-Byzantin relations: Epistolography, V-XI centuries”;1988-1991: Scientific researcher in the Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciencies of Armenian SSR, Director of the State Museum of Literature and Fine Arts of Armenia; 1994: Attache, then 3rd Secretary in the European Department of MFA of Armenia; 1996-1998: Head of desk for bilateral relations to the Western European countries of MFA; Counsellor in the Embassy of Armenia in the Federal Republic of Germany; Since 2002: Head of the First European Division (EU countries), Ministry of Foreign Affaires of the Republic of Armenia; 1998 Grants from „Kultur-Kontakt-Austria Association in Vienna ” and „Open Society Institut Assistance Foundation Armenia” for Researches on Robert Musil and Austrian Contemporary Literature; „Golden Merit Sign of the Austrian Republic“ by the Presidential Office of the Austrian Republic for researches, translations and promotion of Austrian culture in Armenia; Award from the Prime Minister’s Office of Austrian Republic for activities in the field of Armenian-Austrian cultural relations; Published works: Overall 10 published Books and lots of Articles on modern European, culture, history and politics. Translated and published works of French, Austrian and German authors into Armenian. „Medieval Armenian Epistolography”, monograph, Yerevan 1996; translated european autors: Hesse, Musil, Stefan George, Rilke, Georg Trakl, Michaela Ronzoni, Paul Verlain, Arthur Rimbaud, Paul Valery, Paul Claudel, Albert Camus, Boris Vian.

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