Babka, Anna

Babka, Anna: Studied Comparative Literature, German Studies, Gender Studies in Vienna, Lausanne, Paris and Berkeley. Erwin Schrödinger-Post-Doc-Scholarship, Berkeley; Postdoctoral Affiliated Member at ASCA, Amsterdam; Postdoctoral Graduate Scholar at the „Graduiertenkolleg Repräsentation Rhetorik Wissen“, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder. Lecturer for German Studies and Gender Studies, University of Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck and Salzburg, all Austria. Holds a „Hertha Firnberg young female researchers position“ at the University of Vienna., Austria. Principal fields of research: Gender Studies / Queer Studies / Cyberfeminism, Deconstruction, Rhetoric, Theory and Methodology of Literary Studies and Cultural Studies, Methodological relations between Gender Studies / Queer Studies, Cultural Studies and Postcolonial Studies, Literature of Romanticism and Post-War-Literature; Autobiography.



Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie


The days of the human may be numbered: Theorizing cyberfeminist metaphors – rereading Kleist’s ‚Gliedermann‘ as cyborg, as ‚ghost in the shell‘ (15.Nr.)

Adresse (URL):    2006-01-16
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