Biriş, Rodica Teodora,

Biriş, Rodica Teodora, born 1971 in Arad, Romania. 1990–1996: Study of Germanic and Romance Languages at the University of Timisoara. 1996–1998: Teacher of German language and literature at the „Adam Müller Guttenbrunn” German School  of Arad. 1998–2000 Master degree program in Germanic Studies at Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca. 2001-2008 PhD in Philology at „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ University of Jassy. Since 2000 active at „Vasile Goldis“ Western University of Arad as teacher of German (all stages: tutor, assistant, reader) and teach the following subjects: German business correspondence, German Culture and Civilisation, Morphology, Simultaneous translation, Translation, Conversation, Text production, Debates, German language.

Scientific activities: 38 articles published in national and international journals and 6 books published:

  1. Corespondenţa comercială in limba germană (Deutsche Handelskorrespondenz), Ed. Servosat, Arad, 2002.
  2. Verbul. Teorie şi conjugare, Ed. Gutenberg, Arad, 2009.
  3. Deutsche Geschäftskorrespondenz Ed. Gutenberg, Arad, 2009.
  4. Landeskunde. Interculturalitate şi civilizaţie germano-româno-slovacă, Ed. Gutenberg, Arad, 2009.
  5. Deutsch für Anfänger – Limba germană pentru începători, Ed. Gutenberg, Arad, 2010.
  6. Der rumänisch-deutsche Sprachkontakt. Die deutsche Umgangssprache der Stadt Arad, Ed. Gutenberg, Arad, 2010.


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Die Stadt Arad vor und nach der Wende (18 Nr.)

Adresse (URL):    2011-07-03
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