Chiciudean, Gabriela: born 1972. 2000 graduation at University „1 st December 1918“ of Alba Iulia, Faculty of History and Philology, Specialization Romanian – French. Since 2000 Teaching Assistant at „1st December 1918 University“ of Alba Iulia, Romania. Since 2000 member in the Department of Philology. Since 2001 member in the publishing committee of the annual publication of the Faculty of History and Philology: Annales Universitates Apulensis, Series Philologica. Since 2005 executive manager in the Research Center of Imaginary, Faculty of History and Philology, Centre related to Research Center of Imaginary, „Phantasma“, of Cluj Napoca, Romania. 2005 PhD in Philology, Diss. „Pavel Dan A n Approach Based on the Theory of Imaginary“. Areas of interest: Theory of Literature, Sociology of Literature, Theory of Imaginary. Participations at national and international conferences. Numerous papers published in review in the country and aboard. Bookspublished in cooperation with team of researches. Publications: Voyage in the World of Symbols, Sibiu, 2004, Imago Publishing House -100 pp.
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Le Caractère Humain, le „Trop-Humain“ de l’écrivain (16.Nr.)
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