Ciugureanu, Adina

Ciugureanu, Adina: Professor of English and American Literature at Ovidius University Constanta, Romania. She got her B.A. in English and French and her Ph.D. in English and American literature at the University of Bucharest, Romania. She is the author of High Modernist Poetic Discourse (1997), based on her dissertation. Following a Fulbright research grant in the USA, she published a study on American popular culture seen as a remodeling of European cultural patterns, The Boomerang Effect (2002). More recent publications are Modernism and the Idea of Modernity (2004), Victorian Selves (2004), and Post-War Anxieties (2006). She has also published a large number of articles and essays in volumes and journals at home and abroad. The articles are focused mainly on British and American culture in the nineteenth and twentieth century.

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Section report 5.1.: A Common Place: National cultures, European Heritage (17.Nr.)

Italian Culture, English Heritage: Casa Guidi Windows and Aurora Leigh (17.Nr.)

„Queen Virtue’s court“ – from Virgin Martyrs to Home-Front Propaganda (16.Nr.)

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