Daviau, Donald G.

Daviau, Donald G., author, editor and translator, Professor of Austrian and German Literature at the University of California, Riverside (emeritus), editor of the scholarly journal Modern Austrian Literature (1974-2000), co-founder and editor of Ariadne Press (1985-1999), organizer of the Riverside Annual Austrian Symposium (1983-1999), President of the American Council for the Study of Austrian Literature (1985-2000), English editor of the electronic journal TRANS (1995-).

Author and/or editor of 21 books and 183 articles on such authors and topics as Raoul Auernheimer, Hermann Bahr, Thomas Bernhard, Max Brod, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Barbara Frischmuth, Franz Grillparzer, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Fritz Hochwälder, Jura Soyfer, Karl Kraus, Alexander Lernet-Holenia, Ernst Lothar, Anna Mitgutsch, Robert Musil, Max Ophüls, Charles Sealsfield, George Saiko, Arthur Schnitzler, Luis Trenker, Peter Turrini, Ernst Weiss, Paul Zech and Stefan Zweig. Major themes are Austrian literary history from Grillparzer to the present, the reception of Austrian literature in the United States, the image of America in Austrian literature, the question of Austrian identity, Biedermeier, the myths in turn-of-the-century 1900 scholarship, the “Sprachkrise,” Austrian writers and the Anschluss, the transnational mediation of Austrian literature, Austrian literature in film, Austrian writers of diaries and correspondences. Translations include both literary and scholarly texts.

Awarded the Austrian „Ehrenkreuz für Kunst und Wissenschaft“ in 1979.

Email: daviau@verizon.net

Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie


Friedrich Torberg’s Views of Hollywood, New York, Jerusalem and Vienna (18 Nr.)

Section report 1.11.: American and Austrian Literature and Film: Influences, Interactions and Intersections (17.Nr.)

The Innovation of Modernity in the Western World and Its Reproduction in the Eastern and Southeastern Countries of the Habsburg Monarchy (16.Nr.)

Report: Innovation and Reproduction in Austrian Literature and Film (16.Nr.)

Section Report: Austrian Writers and the Unifying Aspects of Cultures (15.Nr.)

Hermann Bahr and Cultural Border Crossings (15.Nr.)

Austria at the Turn of the Century 1900 and at the Millenium (14.Nr.)

Writing in a Different Language. The Example of Charles Sealsfield (13.Nr.)

Die Namen der Berge | The Names of the Mountains | Les noms des montagnes

The Naming of Mountains in the Western United States

The Artistic Films of Arnold Fanck, the Apostle of Skiing and High-Mountain Climbing

Buchreihen des INST | Book Series of INST | Collections de l’INST

Jura Soyfers Kurzgeschichten
(in: Grenzüberschreitungen, Gattungen, Literaturbeziehungen, Jura Soyfer, Österreichische und internationale Literaturprozesse, Bd.2, 1995)

Die Rezeption der österreichischen Literatur in Amerika: Ein Bericht
(in: Interkulturelle Erforschung der österreichischen Literatur, Österreichische und internationale Literaturprozesse, Bd.11, 2000)

Donald G. Daviau: Understanding Hermann Bahr
(Österreichische und internationale Literaturprozesse, Bd.14, 2002)

The Artistic Films of Arnold Franck, the Apostle of Skiing and High Mountain Climbing
(in: Realität und Virtualität der Berge, Österreichische und internationale Literaturprozesse, Bd.16, 2002)

TRANS – an Internet Journal for the Humanities TRANS – eine Internet Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften TRANS – une revue pour les sciences humaines sur internet
(in: TRANS. Dokumentation eines kulturwissenschaftlichen Polylogversuchs im WWW (1997-2002), Österreichische und internationale Literaturprozesse, Bd.17, 2002)

Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/daviau_donald   2011-06-17
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