Diez, Javier Revilla, Prof. Dr.: born 1965. Since 2002 Chair in Economic Geography of the Geography Institute, University Kiel. Fields of interest: regional economics, applied economic geography, innovation economics development and development studies. After PhD on the economic and regional transformation processes in Vietnam focused on regional innovation potentials. 1995 – 1999: involved in the European Regional Innovation Survey (ERIS), major survey covering manufacturing firms, knowledge-intensive business services and research institutions in eleven regions across Europe. 1999 the ERIS project was extended to Southeast Asia, covering Singapore, Penang, and Thailand as case study regions. Scientific consultant at the Thai National Agency for Science and Technology. Just finished his Habilitation on the importance of spatial proximity in firms‘ innovation processes. Published widely on Innovation Systems and the importance of networking and of public research institutions in the context of Innovation Systems. Visiting research fellow at the Central Institute for Economic Management (Vietnam), the Department of Economic Geography at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, the Department of Infrastructure and Planning at the Royal Technical University of Stockholm, the Department of the Business Administration at the Politecnical University of Catalonia in Spain, and the Centre of Technopreneurship at the National University of Singapore. Since 2000 member of the EU Cost Action a 17 „Small and Medium Enterprises, Economic Development, and Regional Convergence in Europe“. Publications: „Metropolitan Innovation Systems“ (Springer). „Technological Change and Regional Development in Europe“ (Physica).
Email: diez@geographie.uni-kiel.de
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/diez_javier 2005-10-14
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