Di Nicola, Patrizio

Di Nicola, Patrizio, sociologist, Professor of Sociology of Organisation and Director of the Master programme in Marketing and Communication at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of Rome „La Sapienza“. At the Link Campus – University of Malta was Director of the MA in E-Business and Professor of Sociology of Organisation. He was scientific director for many researches on telework, virtual enterprises, distant learning and the post-industrial labour market, and managing consultant of enterprises and Government bodies. Most recent publications include: E-society: strumenti e percorsi di analisi delle Regioni nella societa’ in rete (with I. Mingo, 2005); Le@rning, (with F. Comunello, 2003). In the spare time is Managing Director of Futuribile, a futuristic research firm based in Rome.

Email: patrizio.dinicola@uniroma1.it

Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/biodinicola_patrizio.htm    2007-08-07
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