Di Nicola, Patrizio, sociologist, Professor of Sociology of Organisation and Director of the Master programme in Marketing and Communication at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of Rome „La Sapienza“. At the Link Campus – University of Malta was Director of the MA in E-Business and Professor of Sociology of Organisation. He was scientific director for many researches on telework, virtual enterprises, distant learning and the post-industrial labour market, and managing consultant of enterprises and Government bodies. Most recent publications include: E-society: strumenti e percorsi di analisi delle Regioni nella societa’ in rete (with I. Mingo, 2005); Le@rning, (with F. Comunello, 2003). In the spare time is Managing Director of Futuribile, a futuristic research firm based in Rome.
Email: patrizio.dinicola@uniroma1.it
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/biodinicola_patrizio.htm 2007-08-07
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