Genske, Dieter

Genske, Dieter D., Ph.D.: born 1956, in Germany, studied Civil Engineering and Geology in Germany and the United States, (master degrees in both disciplines); worked on environmental problems: Humboldt Research Fellow in Kyoto, Japan, project manager at Deutsche Montan Technologie, (major urban remediation projects), including the International Building Exhibition IBA Emscher Park and the new parliament quarter in Berlin. carried out in close co-operation with the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne the visualisation project Graf Moltke, a computer animation of the remediation of a derelict terrain in the German Ruhr District. taught at a number of renowned universities including the TU Delft and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. 2000 prize for excellence in teaching for his on-line learning project that utilises the Internet as information and dialogue tool (ETH-New Learning Technology Program); presented his projects on numerous international conferences and published extensively in peer reviewed journals. Guest professor in Universities in South Africa and Japan; preparing a cyber lecture on degraded urban land in co-operation with the University of Toronto, Canada (CV.pdf, 0.22MB).


Adresse (URL):    2005-09-02
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