Herteg, Crina

Herteg, Crina: born 1975. Graduation 1998 University „Lucian Blaga“ of Sibiu, Faculty of Letters, Specialization English- French. Since 2000 Teaching Assistant at „1st December 1918 University“ of Alba Iulia, Faculty of History and Philology. Since 2002 Annales Universitates Apulensis, Series Philologica. Since 2004 member in the Research Department of the „1st December 1918 University“, Alba Iulia. Since 2005 member in the Research Center of Imagology, Faculty Of History and Philology. Translator. Since 2002 conference organizer: The Annual Conference of the Modern Languages Department. PhD student in Linguistics and Stylistics, Diss: Stylistic and Semantic Values, Functions and Uses of the Verb. A Comparative Study: English/ French/ Romanian. Areas of interest: Linguistics, Stylistics, Specialized Language. Numerous participations at national and international conferences. Papers published: Evolution Du Genre Du Nom En Français, Annales Universitates Apulensis No.1/2000; The Good-Evil Opposition In Graham Greene `s A Burnt , Out Case- Annales Universitates Apulensis No.2/2001; The Contributions of the Prague School to the Study of Language Annales Universitatis Apulensis, No. 4/2003 Tome 2; Magic and Mystery in John Fowles` The Magus, National Confernce Lower Danube University, Didactica si Pedagogica Publishing House, Bucuresti, 2005; L`évolution du nombre du nom français,National Confernce Lower Danube University, Didactica si Pedagogica Publishing House, Bucuresti, 2005. English for Business and Accounting, Alba Iulia, 2003, Didactica Publishing House-133 pp.

Email: crina_herteg@yahoo.com

Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie


Analysis And Translation Approach To Specialized Language (16.Nr.)

Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/herteg_crina   2006-04-15
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