Idemudia, Erhabor S. Idemudia

Idemudia, Erhabor S. Idemudia, Prof. Dr.: Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, International University of Bremen, Albert Ellis Fellow, USA, Senior Lecturer and Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Former Vice Director, and Senior Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Catholic Consulting and Therapeutic Centre Benin City, Nigeria. Member, World council for Psychotherapy, International Council of Psychologists, Member, Scientific Committee Council-International Society for Equity in Health (ISEqH) Canada, Editorial Board-International Journal of Ecology, India, General secretary (WCP-African Chapter). CODESRIA Fellow, Dakar, Salzburg Fellow, Austria, Fellow of the Centre of for African Studies (SOAS), London. member of the BPS, Awarded the GBR and for the award of the Statement of Equivalence/chartered status. Dr Idemudia has over 50 publications and currently an Associate professor at the Limpopo, South Africa.

Teaching and research interests include Psychopathology in vulnerable groups-including accessibility and equity to health, addiction, psycho-corrections and psychotherapy, race, social movements, and healthcare policies. Clinical interests include adult mental health, childhood and adolescent disorders including deviant and criminalisation of children/adolescents into adulthood.

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Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie


Section report 8.4.: Knowledge, Creativity and Transformation in Developing and Developed Societies (17.Nr.)

Report: Innovation and Reproduction in Black Cultures and Societies: A comparative Dialogue and Lessons for the Future (16.Nr.)

Global movement and health potential of black migrants in Germany: A study of mental health indices using MMPI (16.Nr.)

Report: Culture, Psychosocial Disorders and Mental health: An African Perspectives (15.Nr.)

Mental Health and Psychotherapy ‚through‘ the Eyes of Culture: Lessons for African Psychotherapy (15.Nr.)

Adresse (URL):    2010-05-27
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