Jain, Meena, MA. MPhil., PhD., Ast. Professor of Sociology, Govt. MLC Girls College, Khandwa, India. Working on UGC Sponsored Research Project ie. ‚Effect of Culture and Society on Language‘. Meena is Ex NCC officer of the College and Ex Administrative Officer of State Administrative Service. Her interest in academic field compelled her to giveup the administrative job and join the teaching profession. She has published some 8 papers in various National and International Journal and presented papers in various National and International Seminars. Published one book with the aid given by University Grants Commission. India. Her field of interest is Sociolinguistics.
Email: drmeenajain@yahoo.co.in
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/jain_meena 2007-09-18
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