Jánosi, Zoltán, Prof.: born 1954 in Miskolc , Hungary. Professor at the Department of Literary Studies, Bessenyei György Teacher Training College /from January 2000 on College of Nyíregyháza/. Director General of the Faculty of Arts of the College of Nyíregyháza. 1979: BA in Hungarian Language and Literature, Bessenyei György Teacher Training College, Nyíregyháza. 1983: MA in Hungarian Language and Literature, University of Debrecen. 1995: Candidate’s Degree in Literature. 2006: Habilitation University of Debrecen. Specialist Books:Light under Stones. Felsőmagyarország Press. Miskolc. 2005.Leaves of Grass and the Universe. Holnap Press. Budapest, 2005.Birch Fire. Pedagogical Institute of the Municipal Council of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. Nyíregyháza, 2004.Reflected Images of Sindbad. Ferenc Kazinczy Association. Sátoraljaújhely, 2004.The Mythical Stag. ‘Heritage of László Nagy’ Foundation. Iszkáz. 2003.Time and Judgement (Selected Essays). Felsőmagyarország Press, Miskolc, 424 p. 2001.The Mythological Poetry of László Nagy in the Frame of Reference of the Universal and Hungarian Literature. Felsőmagyarország Press, Miskolc, 495 p. 1996.Literary Works:The Mirage of Falling (A collection of poems). Nyíregyháza. 1995.Life Threat (A collection of short stories). Nyíregyháza, 1984.Professional Prizes:‘Széchenyi’ Professors’ Scholarship, Budapest, 1999-2002. ‘Book of the Year’ Prize of the Hungarian Writers’ Association for the book TheMythological Poetry of László Nagy. Budapest. 1996.Literary Prizes:Literary Prizes of the Art Foundation Nagy Lajos for the short stories „Grand Prize“ in 1996 and „Your Country“ in 1997. Budapest.First Prize at the short story competition of the national daily Magyar Nemzet for the short story „Life Threat“. Budapest. 1982.Public Awards:Commemorative Millennium Medallion of Nyíregyháza, a town of county rank, on the occasion of the 125 th anniversary of the birth of the writer Gyula Krúdy. 2003. ‘For the Scientific Life of Nyíregyháza’ Award of the General Assembly of Nyíregyháza, a town of county rank. 2002.
Email: janosiz@nyf.hu
Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie
Gyula Krúdy und Sindbad, der Schiffer – aus den Märchen aus Tausendundeiner Nacht (16.Nr.)
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/janosi_zoltan 2006-08-23
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