Koffi, Frederic Kouadio: born 1957 in Abidjan. He graduated in British Civilization and Literature at the Université de Cocody in Abidjan, prior to being posted as an English teacher in a secondary school. Since then, he has undertaken many activities involving unionism, and lately postgraduate studies in sociosemiotics and Business Management. His academic achievements include a Master paper on „The Radical-liberal Sociolects in Lady Chatterley´s Lover: The Grass is Singing & The Path of Thunder, a PhD project entitled „Les sociolectes libéraux et radicaux dans la literature sud-africaine d´expression anglaise: les exemples de P. Abrahams & A. La Guma.“ His present PhD work probes the issue of education in P. Abrahams´s & A. La Guma´s novels.
Email: koffi.frederick.kouadio@caramail.com
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/koffi_frederic 2005-11-02
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