Korner, Veronika Julia

Korner, Veronika Julia: 2005 Ph.D Student at the Károli Gáspár University of the Hungarian Reformed Church, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest, Hungary ( Hungarian Language and Literature Studies). Media Studies at Mathias Corvinus Collegium, Collegium for Talented Students, Budapest, Hungary. 2005 Instructor of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium. 2005 OTDK – Conference in Budapest, 1st place in section Literature Theories, Title of the Paper: „Repainting of a Picture, The Problematic of making the E-Literature into a Film“ http://humanotdk.elte.hu. 2005 Member of the Association of Young Writers (FISZ) http://www.irok.hu/. 2002 Member of the KonTextus Workshop, Budapest, Hungary. Conference Papers: „Chances of Film as Art“ Conference in Transylvania, Romania 2005; VI. Eötvös Conference „Life and Art, The influence of the art of painting to the writing method of Virginia Woolf“ http://www.eotvoscollegium.hu/ek/ek6/abstracts/eload7.html 2004. Eötvös Conference „The Relation of the Novel to its Filmadaptation“ http://www.eotvos.elte.hu/ek/ek5/.

Email: v3ronik4@gmail.com

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The Lexical Innovations and Historisms in Modern Russian (16.Nr.)

Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/korner_veronika   2006-06-08
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