Kovtun Liliya, PhD Candidate in Cultural Anthropology. Professor at the Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication at the State Academy of Slavic Culture, Moscow, Russian Federation. Dissertation on Personality Adaptation in Intercultural Communication (1999). Specializes in Business English, English stylistics, drama in teaching English, theory of intercultural communication, theoretical and practical aspects of translation. Participated in international conferences: Russia and Slavic cultures (2003, Belgrade), Problems of modern lingodidactics (Moscow, 2005), Youth at the Crossroads (Petrozavodsk, 2006), INTERACT 2006 (Integrating Drama and Storytelling in ELT, Vienna 2006). Published articles and reviews in national academic journals and conference proceedings on methods of ELT, English stylistics, cultural studies and intercultural communication.
Email: camomile61@yandex.ru
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/kovtun_liliya 2007-07-11
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