Kuzmany, Verena, Mag. Phil.: University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Doctoral student, Department of Comparative Literature. Current position: Predoctoral Teaching Associate, Department of Germanics at Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (Austria). Mag. Phil.: Anglistik und Amerikanistik (MA. English and American Studies) 2003. Thesis: Singing the Place – Sense of Place in the poetry of Richard Hugo, William Stafford, David Wagoner and Gary Snyder. Languages: German (native speaker), English, French. Experience as a translator (German-English and English-German, e.g. for Architektur Zentrum Wien, Vienna, Austria). Current project: first German language translation of poetry by David Wagoner, in collaboration with the author. Instructor of German (University of Washington; Washington Academy of Languages, Seattle, WA; Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program). September 2003: Junior docent at Breath of Life conference for Native American Languages, department of Linguistics, University of Washington.
Email: vkuzmany@u.washington.edu
Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie
Paul Celan as a „World Poet“ – the role of translation in the concept of „world literature“ (16.Nr.)
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/kuzmany_verena 2006-03-17
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