López-Varela, Asunción, since 1994 Professor at Complutense University Madrid, Department of English. She is specialized in nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature, comparative literature, critical theory, and media Studies, and interests in research include semiotic aspects of space and time within literary representation, computer-assisted language learning, and the use of hypermedia technologies in teaching as well as research.
In her research, publications and teaching, López-Varela promotes the importance of literature for the study of languages and cultures within a context of interculturality. López-Varela participates in several research projects financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and is a member of the Complutense University research group LEETHI (see at http://www.ucm.es/info/leethi/index.php and http://www.ucm.es/info/guias/indexdom.htm).
Professor López-Varela also coordinates the area of comparative literature and cultural studies in the Complutense University Department of English and the project e-excellence in the humanities gateway Liceus and is one of the organizers of the multi-university research project The Politics of Culture: Nationhood, Interculturalism, and Citizenship in the New Europe.
For detailed lists of her interests, research, and publications link to http://www.ucm.es/info/FInglesa/Profesores/lopez_varela.htm
Email: alopezva@filol.ucm.es
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/lopez-varela_asuncion 2007-10-24
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