Mangeni, Patrick

Mangeni, Patrick: Senior Lecturer in Drama (Makerere University), teaching Theatre for Development, Children’s Theatre, and Playwriting. PhD-student (Applied Theatre) at Griffith University, Australia researching Gender and TfD. Member of Projects Committee of IDEA. Consultant/facilitator for NGOs and groups using TfD for Gender, Peace Building and Conflict resolution in communities of conflict in Uganda. Playwright, poet, storywriter, book reviewer and theatre critic. Publications: Negotiating Learning Contexts: Some Experiences of Culture, Power and Gender in working with Multi-cultural Communities through Theatre for Development in the IDEA book (2005- forthcoming). „Theatre as a social Intervention“ in Research in Drama Education Vol. 10, No.3, Nov. 2005 ride pp.381-383 (forthcoming). Two TFD Radio plays Obwenzi and Entalo; Leeds African Studies journal, No 67, 2005. A theatrical Approach to the writing of a National Constitution: The case of Uganda, Drama Australia Journal Vol. 24 No.1 2000. One Earth One Family: Drama & Environment Education. Drama for life: stories of adult learning and empowerment. John O’Toole & Margret Lepp. Playlab Press, Brisbane 2000. Change in two hours: A Theatre for Development workshop with High school Students in Kampala: researching drama in education journal Vol.3, Carfax 1998. ‘The Challenge of Theatre, Culture and Community Development’ Orientations of drama, Theatre and Culture. Ed. Opiyo Mumma, Evan Mwangi &Christopher Odhiambo. Kenya drama? Theatre Education Associated (KDEA), Nairobi: 1998. A Theatrical Alternative for Child Survival: The Experience of School Health Drama in Uganda. Education, culture and empowerment, IDEA 1996 Brisbane, Australia.


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