Marchetti, Raffaele: Jean Monnet Fellow at the department of Social and Political Science at the EUI; a research associate at the University of Urbino. Part-time lecturer in Ethics and International Relations at the faculty of Political Science, LUISS University, Rome. Holds a Laurea in Philosophy from the University of Rome La Sapienza. PhD in Political Theory from LSE. Research interest: International Political Theory and Global Politics, in particular Global Justice, Democracy, Migration, UN, and Transnational Social Movements. Publications: 2006 „Teoria politica internazionale. Un’introduzione“, forthcoming, Rome: Carocci. 2006 „The Transnational Context of the Global Justice Movements“ (with M.Pianta), forthcoming in D. della Porta (ed.), The Global Justice Movement/s: a Cross-national and Transnational Perspective, Boulder: Paradigm. 2005 „Interaction-Dependent Justice and the Problem of International Exclusion“, Constellations. An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, 12: 4: 487-501. 2005 „La riforma delle Nazioni Unite: modelli istituzionali e proposte politiche“, Teoria Politica, XXI, 1. 2005 „Consequentialist Cosmopolitanism and Global Political Agency“, in J.Eade e D.O’Byrne (eds), Global Ethics and Civil Society, Aldershot: Ashgate.
Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie
Migratory Cosmopolitanism: Three Proposals (15.Nr.)
Adresse (URL): 2006-01-17
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