Melikyan, Anush

Melikyan, Anush, born in 1972 in Erevan (Armenia). Obtained her university education at the Pyatigorsk State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, (Russia). In January 1999, she obtained a doctorate degree in Germanic Languages Studies from the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University. Since 1994, she has been a lecturer in English, Latin and the history of the English language at this university. Among her teaching and scientific research assignments feature the Teaching of Translation Methods, the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, Cognitive Studies of Natural Languages, and Development of Modern Machine Translation Systems. She is the coordinator of the students’ translation agency functioning in the university. At the moment she is taking part in the project of the government of Armenia and State Engineering University of Armenia developing the linguistic model of the machine translation some ideas of which she presents at this conference together with Aram Manukyan (Armenia).

She has published several articles in scholarly journals, and co-authored three books:

  • Melikyan A., Melnichuk A. (2004, reprinted in 2010): Latin for Lawyers (Manual for the students of law). (Moscow: UNITY-DANA). 239pp.
  • Melikyan A., Aganesov V. (2006): Practical Grammar of English. (Moscow: Vostok-Zapad). 96p.
  • Melikyan A., Zaitseva O.. (2006): Get Real in English. (Moscow: Vostok-Zapad). 256p.


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