Murti, Kamakshi P., Professor of German at Middlebury College, Vermont, U.S.A., has written two books on the challenging relationship between pre- and post-colonial India and Germany, and has published several articles on the imperialist imaginings of India by German-speaking writers such as Hegel, Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, and Friedrich Max Mueller. Her teaching and research encompass post-colonial literature, women and gender studies (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Gertrud Kolmar, Emine Sevgi Oezdamar, Zehra Cirak), and second language acquisition and foreign language education. She is presently writing a book entitled Turkey, Germany, and the Shifting Boundaries of Identity that deals with the contentious debates surrounding the Muslim head-scarf.
Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie
“To Veil or not to Veil: Germany and Islam” (17.Nr.)
Adresse (URL): 2010-03-16
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