Neţ, Mariana

Neţ, Mariana, Ph.D., is University Professor and Senior Researcher at “Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics of Romanian Academy. She has published 100-odd articles in poetics, semiotics, cultural studies, and language philosophy, in many specialised journals, collective volumes, and conference proceedings, both in Romania and abroad. So far she has published the books: O poetica a atmosferei, Bucuresti, 1989; Metalimbajul textului literar, Bucuresti, 1989; Alexandre Dumas: le pays où il fait mort, Vienna, 1997; Eminescu, altfel, Bucuresti, 2000; Literature, Atmosphere, and Society, Vienna 2000; Literature, Strategies, and Metalanguage. A Semiotic Approach, Vienna, 2002; Lingvistica generala, semiotica, mentalitati: O perspectiva de filosofie a limbajului. Iasi, 2005; Post-War Writers’ Memoirs in Romania and France. A Study of Mentalities (on-line publication), She has given lectures in Italy (1982, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1995, 2000), Poland (1985, 2003, 2005), Hungary (1990), Belgium (1990), Austria (1990, 1992, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005), Germany (1991, 1999), USA (1992), Canada (1992), France (1993, 1995, 1996, 2002, 2004), Finland (1995), Greece (1997, 2004), Russia (2001), Czech Republic (2003, 2005, 2006). In 1993 she gave an intensive course of lectures within a D.E.A. programme at the University of Perpignan (France). In 1997 and 2002 she taught at the Early-Fall School of Semiotics organised by the New Bulgarian University. She is currently working at a book on Urban Identities at the Turn of the 19th Century, several chapters of which have been already published in international journals and conference proceedings.


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Section report 8.5.: The Urbanity of the World and the Dividing of Cities (17.Nr.)

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