Ócsai, Éva

Ócsai, Éva: 2003 – 2005: editor at a children’s books publisher. 2002 – 2005: PhD studies at the University of Szeged – Modern Hungarian Literature (Special field of interest: myth and archetypal criticism and the plays by Sándor Weöres). Since 2002: organizing literary programmes at a hall of residence at the University of Szeged. 1999-2002: teacher of English and Hungarian language and literature in elementary and secondary schools. 1996-2001: University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts, Hungarian language and literature major. 1993-1998: Attila József University, Szeged, Faculty of Arts, English language and literature major.

Email: ocsaieva@freemail.hu

Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie


A Lyrical Novel and its Filmic Adaptation. (Sándor Weöres: Psyché and Gábor Bódy: Narcissus and Psyché) (16.Nr.)

Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/ocsai_eva    2005-07-31
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