Osiki, Jonathan Ohiorenuan holds the Doctorate Degree in Clinical Psychology while the B.Ed and M.Ed Degrees in Education and Guidance and Counselling (i.e. Educational/Counselling Psychology) from the Department of Guidance and Counselling, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He is a Senior Lecturer and the immediate Past Sub-Dean (Postgraduate), Faculty of Education (2003–2005) Academic Sessions. He teaches quite a number of courses among which are: Emotion and Motivation; introduction to Clinical Psychology; Habits, Behaviour Abuses, and other personality Disorders; Personality theories, Assessment and Research; Culture and Psychopathology; Principles of Behaviour Modification; Abnormal Psychology; etc. both at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels respectively. He has quite a number of published articles to his credit. Recently, he is on accumulated/sabbatical leave at the National University of Lesotho, Southern Africa where he facilitates the Clinical Pastoral Care and Counselling Programme.
Email: jonathanosiki@yahoo.co.uk
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/osiki_jonathan 2007-09-05
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