Portelli, Alessandro, Professor of American Literature at the University of Roma-La Sapienza and author of The Text and the Voice: speaking, writing and democracy in American literature. He is even better known as one of the world’s leading oral historians. His most recent book, translated into English as The Order Has Been Carried Out: history, memory and meaning of a Nazi massacre in Rome is a bestseller. He has also published two volumes of seminal oral-history essays covering topics as varied as the Italian Resistance, student movements since the 1960s and the Kentucky mining communities. He was recently Simon Visiting professor at the University of Manchester and is Honorary Research Professor in Oral History at the University of Aberdeen. He is much in demand as a guest speaker at conferences in Europe, Africa, Australia and Latin America.
Email: Alessandro.Portelli@uniroma1.it
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/portelli_alessandro 2007-09-16
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