Quatmann, Johanna Verena, born 1981 in Munich (Germany): Studies of International Relations at the University Maastricht (the Netherlands) until present. Special focus on development politics and European integration. 2005/06: exchange student at the University Science Politique, Toulouse, (France). Mémoire de recherche: the Erasmus Portal, an online exchange student forum to ease integration and europeanisation. 2002/03: Spanish language studies in Salamanca (Spain); DELE superior (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) and voluntary work in Mexico.
Email: johanna.quatmann@gmx.de
Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie
Vorstellung studentischer Projekte mit Tourismusbezug (16.Nr.)
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/quatmann_johanna 2006-08-23
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