Rachwal, Tadeusz

Rachwal, Tadeusz: born 1954 in Poland. Professor of English, Warsaw School of Social Psychology. 1987: Ph.D. (English Philology), University of Silesia. 1996: Post Doctoral Degree (habilitation), University of Silesia. 1988 – 2000: Chair of School of British Culture and Literature, University of Silesia. 1999 – 2002: Deputy Director of Institute of British and American Culture and Literature, University of Silesia. 2002 – 2005: Chair of School of English Language Cultures and Literatures, University of Bielsko-Biala. 2005: Chair of School of Anglophone Literature and Culture, Warsaw School of Social Psychology. Research: 16 th- 20 th-century literary discourse and its relation to the ‘postmodern condition’ from the perspective of contemporary cultural/critical theories (gender studies, cultural studies, media studies, British Cultural Studies). Teaching: History of English Literature, British Cultural Studies, M.A. Seminars („Travel and Tourism“, „Labour and Literacy“). Publications: Lines, Planes and Solids Studies in Seventeenth‑Century Writings, co-author T. S³awek, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, Katowice 1992. Sfera szarości, co-author T. Slawek, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice 1993. Approaches of Infinity. The Sublime and the Social, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Œl¹skiego, Katowice 1993. The Nature of Tourism, Humanistik Forskningcenter Arbejdspapir 89, Odense University Press, Odense 1996. Also available in: H. Juel ed., En Dokumentation af Forskning og Formilding fra: Humanistik Forsknings Center Menske & Natur [CDROM], Odense University Press, Odense 1997. Geometry, Winding Paths and the Mansions of Spirit, co-authors D. Jarrett, T. Slawek, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, Katowice 1997. Labours of the Mind. Labour in the Culture of Production, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien, 2001.

Email: trachwal@ath.bielsko.pl

Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie


Uncertainties (16.Nr.)

Creativity, Change, and Repetition (17.Nr.)

Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/rachwal_tadeusz    2010-02-04
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