Sadovskaya, Elena Y., (Republic of Kazakhstan): Dr., Sociologist, expert of the Research Council on CIS and Baltic States Migration Studies, Center for Migration Studies, IEF, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia); President of Center for Conflict Management (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Fulbright Scholar at the University of Maryland at College Park (USA, 1994), RSEP scholar at the Indiana University (ACTR/ACCELS, USA, 2001), MacArthur fellow (MacArthur Foundation, USA, 2004-2006). The winner of EU-USA 1998 „Democracy and Civil Society“ Award (1998).
Author of three monographs:
- Migration in Kazakhstan at the threshold of a new century – new trends and perspective (2001),
- Labour migration and its role in adaptation to the economic crisis in Kazakhstan (2001),
- International Labor Migration in Kazakhstan in the 2000s: new challenges, new responses (forthcoming) and more than 100 articles and reports;
- co-author of Analytical overview Labour Migration in Central Asia, Russian Federation, Afghanistan and Pakistan (2005); co-editor of the International Directory and four research collections of articles.
Member of the International and European Sociological Associations, Russian and Kazakhstan Association of Sociologists.
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