Şen, Meryem

Şen, Meryem, Dr.: is an Associate Professor of Linguistics at Kocaeli University, Turkey. She received her Ph.D in English Linguistics from Hacettepe University.  Her research interests include sociolinguistics, regional/social variation in discourse structure and strategy, interactional sociolinguistics, ethnography of communication, gender and regional variation in discourse style. She is  specifically concerned with language attitudes and identity formation with special attention to understanding the psychology of attitudes and gender. She participated in conference „The Unifying Aspects of Cultures“, INST, November 2003. Bibliographie / Beiträge / INST-Homepage: Meryem Sen & Nazli Baykal (Kocaeli University & The Middle East Technical University, Turkey): Evaluational Reactions of Standard Accented Turkish Speakers towards Accented Speech and Speakers. In: TRANS. Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften. No. 15/2003.

Email: meryem.sen@isbank.net.tr

Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie


Section report 2.2.: Identity, Authenticity, Locality, Urbanity and Speech Community: A New Sociolinguistic Perspective | Identität, Authentizität, lokale- und städtische Veränderungen und Sprachgemeinschaften: Eine neue soziolinguistische Perspektive (17.Nr.)

Attitudes towards the use of accents in TV advertisements: A global perspective (17.Nr.)

Evaluational Reactions of Standard Accented Turkish Speakers towards Accented Speech and Speakers (15.Nr.)

Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/sen_meryem   2010-09-07
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