Sosunova, Irina Alexandrovna, Prof. of Sociology, PhD, Vice-Rector of the International Independent University of Environmental and Political Sciences (Academia IIUEPS), Moscow, Russia.
Scientific interests: sociology, ecology, political research, informatics
Recent Publications:
- Irina Sosunova, Olga Mamonova. The ecological morality: the problems of formation during globalization processes/ The 8th Conference of the European Sociological Association. Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society, Glasgow, 3rd – 6th September 2007. Abstract Book. – Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University, 2007
- Irina A. Sosunova, Konstantin M. Manolache, Olga N. Mamonova. Eco-social images and simulacra of transforming societies: on data of russian and moldavian case / European Society or European Societies: a View from Russia / Ed. by V.A.Mansurov . – M.: Maska, 2009.
- Irina Sosunova, Olga Mamonova. Social Sciences and Humanities in Russia / Sociology: History, Theory, and Practices. Volume 10. Bridging The World Together. To the memory of Vladimir Kultygin. Edited by Maria Gornostaeva. Moscow: Institute of Socio-Political Research, RAS, 2009.
- Irina Sosunova, Larissa Titarenko, Olga Mamonova. Internationalization of the Social Sciences and Humanities in Russia / Michael Kuhn, Doris Weidemann (eds.). Internationalization of the Social Sciences. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2010.
Adresse (URL): 2010-11-24
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