Totskaya, Olga, born in 1984 in Russia. Obtained her university education at the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, the department of the English language and the Romanic Languages. Just after her graduation Olga Totskaya joined a post graduate study (Germanic languages) and began to lecture at the University in English. She successfully passed her comprehensive examination for the Candidate’s degree and now she is working on her doctor dissertation, dealing with the Concept of Female Fashion.
In the area of research, O.Totskaya dwells on the Cognitive linguistics, the correlation of perception and the process of cognition, the revelation of the structure of the concept Female Fashion.
She has published 13 articles in university journals, International journals, and the journal recommended by the Superior Academy of Culture.
Email: tanyavip7@mail.ru
Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie
The Concept Female fashion in the English Discourse (18 Nr.)
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/totskay_olga 2011-07-07
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