Volná, Ludmila

Volná, Ludmila, PhD: 2003 Dissertation „The Representations of India in Contemporary Indian Anglophone Fiction“ at Charles University in Prague. Studied English literature, Indology, North American culture and Indian Writing in English. Study trips to the United States (Suffolk University, Boston) and to India (University of Bombay). Teaches courses in Indian writing in English at English Department of Charles University. Interests in scholarship: Victorian novel, Indian Writing in English and Indian culture. Has published articles and presented communications related to these subjects. Member of IMAGER/CEREC research group (Centre d’Etude et de Recherche sur l’Empire et le Commonwealth), University of Paris XII, France.

Email: ludmila.volna@free.fr

Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie


Creating and Re-creating Texts in R. K. Narayan’s Mr Sampath – the Printer of Malgudi (16.Nr.)

Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/volna_ludmila   2006-06-08
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