Zasyekin, Serhiy

Zasyekin, Serhiy, Associate Professor. 1972 born in Lutsk, Ukraine. 1994 graduated from Volyn State University in Lutsk. 2001 supported his doctoral thesis from Kyiv National Linguistic University. Head of research laboratory of psycholinguistics and translation,  Dean of Faculty of Philology, Head of Department of Theory and Practice of Translation of the Institute. Since 2004 member of the International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics (ISAPL), founder and member of Psycholinguistic Association of Ukraine, 2006. Coordinator of five international and national research conferences on translation.

Primary scholarly interests: Psycholinguistic aspects of translation, psycholinguistic universals of translation.
– Author of more than 35 articles and books. Among them are Introduction to Psycholinguistics (co-author Larysa Zasyekina) published 2002 in the National University “Ostroh Academy”; Psycholinguistic Aspects of Translation published 2006 in the Volyn Institute for Economics and Management


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