Innovations and Reproductions in Cultures and Societies
(IRICS) Vienna, 9 - 11 december 2005

<< Inner and Outer Determinants of Innovations, Reproduction and Traditions: Synthetic Approach

Interrelations and Interactions of Innovations, Traditions and Reproductions in Computer Market

Andrey Tupitsyn (Orel, Russia)



The interrelations between innovations and traditions as continuously each other supplementing system-defying and system-forming factors are considered by example of computer market as a brilliant representative of economy of service. Innovation is unveiled as an outer determinant of tradition that helps the latter to appear and find its place at the market. Tradition is interpreted as a mentality of social, professional, confessional, etc. groups, peoples and nations and, as a sequence of such comprehension, is defined as inner determinant of innovation that assists the directionality of its design and production and conditions for its perception, claim and realization.

The sequence and peculiarities of innovations and formation of new traditions in computer world have been investigated. New scientific discoveries and technological improvements are classified by their influence upon formation and functioning of computer market. The analysis of societal, economic and cultural traditions that predetermines the dynamic of science- capacious fields and computer market has been carried out.

The research of non-standard market ties between subjects of computer market has been outlined. Probabilities and channels of indirect influence of relations, that are being formed in computer market, upon economy of service, culture, society in general and generic man in particular have been investigated. The ties and relations between mental wants and needs of humans and new innovative proposals of computer market as a representative of economy of service have been revealed on the basis of synthetic approach.

Innovationen und Reproduktionen in Kulturen und Gesellschaften (IRICS) Wien, 9. bis 11. Dezember 2005

WEBDESIGN: Peter R. Horn 2005-08-28