Ehrenschutz: Bundespräsident Dr. Heinz Fischer

KCTOS: Wissen, Kreativität und Transformationen von Gesellschaften

Patron: President of Austria, Dr. Heinz Fischer

KCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity and Transformations of Societies


H O M E Konferenzablauf  

7.10. Sektion:

Oral history, Documentary Photography, the Archive and Social Change

Sektionsleiter | Section chair: Terry Brotherstone (University of Aberdeen, Scotland)

Ort | Place: VHS Brigittenau, Raffaelgasse 11, 1200 Wien, Raum | Room 051


Samstag / Saturday, 8.12. / 8 December | 09:20 – 17:20
09:20 – 09:40
Terry Brotherstone (University of Aberdeen, Scotland):
Introduction to the Section
09:40 – 10:20 Hugo Manson (University of Wellington, New Zealand, and University of the Highlands and Islands Millennium Institute, Scotland):
Creating, Making Accessible and Using the Lives in the [North Sea] Oil Industry Oral History Archive
10:20 – 11:00 Alexandra Brehme (University of Aberdeen, Scotland):
The Challenge of Modernity to a Peripheral Island in a Sea of Oil: Issues about Oral History as a Research Method Arising from the Study of Shetland’s Changing Working Culture and Sense of Identity
11:00 – 11:20
Kaffeepause | Coffee break
11:20 – 12:00
Danny James (University of Aberdeen, Scotland; formerly University of Indiana, Bloomington, USA):
Memory and History: Some Reflections on Italo Calvino
and the Argentine Disappeared
12:00 – 12:40
Alessandro Portelli (University of Rome?La Sapienza, Italy):
The Garibaldi Tradition in Monterondo (Rome)
12:40 – 14:40
Mittagessen | Lunch
14:40 – 15:20
Duncan Forbes (National Galleries of Scotland) and Alex Law (University of Abertay, Scotland):
Walter Benjamin, the Archive and Early Photography
15:20 – 16:00
Owen Logan (University of Aberdeen, Scotland):
Oral History and Modernity: a Photographer’s Critique
16:00 – 16:20
Kaffeepause | Coffee break
16:20 – 17:20
Panel Discussion
Chaired by Terry Brotherstone
Oral History, Documentary Photography, the Archive
and the Politics of Social Change