Main Focus:
Knowledge Society and Labour
Place: VHS Brigittenau, Raffaelgasse 11, 1200 Vienna
Saturday, 8
December | 19:00 |
Minister Dr. Erwin Buchinger (Vienna | confirmation)
Karl Proyer (Union of Salaried Private Sector Employees,
Vienna | confirmation)
Intendant Walter Weyers (Landestheater Schwaben | confirmation)
Univ.Prof.Dr. Marco Ricceri (Rome | confirmation) [BIO]
Dr.Eng. Jorge Bauer (Buenos Aires | confirmation) [BIO]
Dr. Rolf Dieter Hepp (Berlin | confirmation) [BIO]
Andrea Holzmann-Jenkins (Vienna |
confirmation) [BIO]
On the 95th birth day of Jura Soyfer (8 December 1912 Charkow –
16 Februar 1939 concentration camp Buchenwald) performance of his play
„The End of the World“ in Italian (Director: Marco Viecca,
Parthenos). more...