Peter Henisch and the Influence of American Popular Culture
Paul F. Dvorak (Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond)
Email: pfdvorak@vcu.edu
At particular stages throughout his long career, Peter Henisch reveals a fascination and preoccupation with American popular culture as he explores the more general themes of identity and identity crisis that characterize much of his writing. The obvious works that fall into this category are Morrisons Versteck (1991), Schwarzer Peter (2000), and Black Peter’s Songbook (2001). In each of these instances it is music that forms the thematic basis of the intersection, the rock music of Jim Morrison and the Doors in the earliest case and the jazz of New Orleans in the latter two. Less obvious connections to an American identity include Vom Wunsch, Indianer zu werden. Wie Franz Kafka Karl May traf und trotzdem nicht in Amerika landete (1994) and his more recent Die schwangere Madonna (2005). Though Henisch’s latest novel is set in Italy, the stylistic and structural influences of the American road novel and movie are evident. This paper will explore how American culture has influenced Henisch’s creative muse at various stages of his career with particular emphasis upon his most recent novel.