How to raise creativity of the society in transition period?
J.L. Latipov (Slavic Tajik University)
Email: jlatifov@yahoo.com
To raise creativity or create the national consciousness for sustainable human development means to create political conditions for self-expression. That means to demonstrate widely how to gain the long, healthy, happy life is possible via increasing knowledge and capacities for modern technology.
Unfortunately, there are too many stereotypes and clichés in Tajikistan and Central Asia, as a whole in order to make that jump from the old and odious style of thinking into a real building of a new vision of the world. What are the main, crucial points of the situation? They are:
- Ignoring the old, orthodox ideology on hand and the lack of the international experience on the other. That vacuum faces ‘easy’ religious dogmas and fundamentalism.
- Expanding and deepening of the gap between generational and delay of development of the old generation, which keeps original, open regional identity.
Nevertheless, there is a light at the end of tunnel. That light is an active building of international legislature system. I want to observe some of the most important of them:
- Tajikistan has signed an agreement with Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus about the main dimensions in humanitarian sphere.
- The World Bank, Asian, European and Islamic Banks give credits for reformation of the system of education in Tajikistan: for reconstructions and reformation of the schools, publication of the new schoolbooks, trainings of the teachers of the pilot schools for interactive methods.
- International organizations, such as UNICEF, Aga-Khan Foundation, Open society Soros, American Council for cooperation in the field of education of teaching of European languages, UNESCO and other organizations are organizing trainings, teachings, seminars and conferences. All these activities, however, could be more productive, if international research and academic life would be more equally systematized and a real knowledge could be shared.
That openness could really help Tajikistan, which at the moment is under the strong influence of gravitating field of diversity of centralizing and centrifugal powers. How and were they meet? Do they meet at all? How to create their meeting? To what extend the nowadays knowledge in its global significance is helpful for creation new conditions for transformation of the societies? These and many other problems will be formulated and some methods of their solutions will be offered in the paper. The following points would be discussed more properly:
- Personal responsibility for decisions. At a moment for 1500 respondents only 23 % gave a positive answer.
- knowledge of the basic rules of the state governing were shown only by16 % of the same number of respondents.
Patron: President of Austria, Dr. Heinz FischerKCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity and
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