Semiotic structure of the individual thematic cartographic works
Nataliya Polyakova (Faculty of Geography, Department of Geodesy/Cartography) | Taras Shevchenko (National University, Kyiv/Ukraine)
Email: polyakova_nata@ukr.net
The semiotic structure research of cartographic works is one of the basic theoretical tasks of cartosemiotics. It is obviously that the biggest semiotic variety is typical for the thematic map works, which consist of the following blocks: maps, text, photographic images, graphics, drawings, tables, similar to map images, aero- and space photos, animation-virtual presentation (dimension the images: plane, three-dimensional (x, y, t), stereoscopic , four-dimensional (x, y, z, t). The author made detailed semiotic structures of the selected individual thematic cartographic works.
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