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Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften | 17. Nr. | September 2010 |
Sektion 1.6. | The Effects of Natural and Cultural Values on Tourism Sektionsleiter | Section Chair: Turhan Çetin (Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey) |
Comparison for Foreigns and Natives According
to the Recreational Activity in Touristic Places
Sümmani Ekici [BIO] | Hacalet Mollaoğullari | Özlem Demirel (Muğla University, Muğla, Turkey)
Email: ekicis@mu.edu.tr
The aim of this study is to determine the vision of native and foreign people about recreational activities, living in touristic places of Turkey.
First of all a wide range of literature rewiev were done about research problem. Moreover a questionnaire was applied and according to the data collected; possible solution were researched.
The universe of the research is all native and foreign people living in touristic places in Muğla city. Sample refers to the 200 people (100 native and 100 foreign) living in Marmaris and Fethiye region and voluntarily participate in this study.
Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics as frequency and percentage distribution and k-square tests in 0.05 significant levels with SPSS.
Results indicates that foreign people participation is higher than natives and opposite of natives they are aware of the physical benefits of recreational activities.
1. Instruction
Tourism has become a sector, which has increasingly getting importance in the developing world and of which effects reach to great dimensions. It is one of the most effective activities that meet directly and indirectly the physical, psychological and social needs of the human for a certain period (Saygın, 1999).
Tourism has a important benefits of not only individual but also the economy of countries. It is stated that the number of the people participating in international tourism in 1995 is 567 million; approximately income is 372 milliard dollars (word tourism 1996).
Recreation is the activities done in spare time, daily life, at the weekends, annual vacations and longer vacations and done in the long term like retirement staying out of the obligatory situation in human’s lives (Karaküçük, 1999). The opportunities around surroundings, the socio economic level of the participant, personality features like, custom and tradition, age, sex and their company may have an effect on choosing recreation activities of the individuals.
The opportunity of the recreation makes the area much more attractive and brings much more tourist about that area and causes the growth of its economy. Observing that humans get economical benefits of the tourism development can be discussed the positive and encouraging approach about recreation activities (O’sullıvan, 2001).
Recreation and tourism use the same variety of activity and same activity areas. To provide recreation activities done in tourism based on supply and demand. So recreationist and tourists can be seen the people who do the same activities (Boratherton, 1991).
2. Material and Method
In this study, the scanning method is used. The questionnaire method is utilized as a means of getting data. The questionnaires are gotten by scattering to test subject by hand. The questionnaires are gathered and the ones have mistakes and missing information are not taken in evaluation.
It is carried out 200 (100 native 100 foreign) chosen people by chance among native and foreign people live in Muğla, Marmaris and Fethiye. Test subjects are applied 19 question questionnaire in English, Germany and French. This questionnaire is prepared by researchers and the reliability of questions is tested with the pilot studies by previously determined group and appropriateness of the questions are determined by conferring with expert of subject.
In this study these are taken place; the age, sex, marital statues, occupations, participating in recreation activities and the opinion about benefits of the recreation activities of individuals living in tourism area of Muğla as Fethiye and Marmaris district. Test subjects are demanded to mark the alternatives on the questionnaire that appropriate with their situation. To evaluate the statistical data, frequency and percentage dispersion are done, and the level of meaningfulness is determined by carrying out X2 techniques and admitting 0,05 as a reliance interval.
3. Findings
In this section, the dates are evaluated as appreciate with its purpose of study and given in tables.
Table 1: Dispersion of the test subject according sex, nationality and marital statues
Sexuality | Woman | Man | Total |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
Native | 52 |
52.0 |
48 |
48. 0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Foreign | 54 |
54.0 |
46 |
46.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Married |
Single |
Total |
Marital Statues | N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
Native | 47 |
47.0 |
53 |
53.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Foreign | 52 |
52.0 |
48 |
48.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
When the table 1 examined, it is seen that 50% of the participant are Turkish citizen, 50% of the participant are foreign citizen, and 52% of the natives are female and 48% are male, 54% of the foreign participant are female and 46% are male. 52% of the foreign participants are married and 48% single, 47% of the natives are married and 53% are single.
Table 2: The Dispersion of the Test Subjects According to Occupation and Tourism Region where They Live
City | Marmaris |
Fethiye |
Total |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
Native | 61 |
61.0 |
39 |
39.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Foreign | 51 |
51.0 |
49 |
49.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Occupation | Official |
Self-empoyed person |
Housewife |
Worker |
Total |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
Native | 20 |
20.0 |
51 |
51.0 |
13 |
13.0 |
16 |
16.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Foreign | 11 |
11.0 |
34 |
34.0 |
8 |
8.0 |
47 |
47.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
At the table 2, it is stated that 11% of the foreign participant are officials, 34% are self-employed person, 8% are housewives and 47% are workers.
20% of the natives are officials, 51% are self-employed people, 13% are housewives, and 16% are workers.
It is determined that; 51% of the foreign individuals live in Marmaris and 49% live in Fethiye. 61% of the natives live in Marmaris, and 39% of it live in Fethiye.
Table 3: The Dispersion of the Test Subject According to Duration of Living in the tourism Region
Living period | 0–1 Year |
2–5 Year |
6–10 Year |
11–… Year |
Total |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
Native | 7 |
7.0 |
41 |
41.0 |
30 |
30.0 |
22 |
22.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Foreign | 35 |
35.0 |
37 |
37.0 |
22 |
22.0 |
6 |
6.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
As a seen at the table 3, the participant reply the question how many years have stayed in the tourism region they live like this: 35% of foreign participant have stayed for 0-1 year, 27% for 2-5, 22% for 6-10 and 6% have stayed more than 11 years; 7% of the natives have lived for 0-1, 41% for 2-5, 30% for 6-10 and 22% for more that 11 years.
Table 4: The opinion of the Test Subject about Participating in The Recreation Activities
Activity | Sports activity |
Social activity |
Art Cultural activity |
Participate none of them |
Total |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
Native | 27 |
27.0 |
15 |
15.0 |
10 |
10.0 |
48 |
48.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Foreign | 70 |
70.0 |
15 |
15.0 |
5 |
5.0 |
10 |
10.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
In table 4; when test subjects are asked which recreation activity they participate in, they express that 70% of the foreign participate in sports activities, 15% in social activities, 5% in Art-cultural activities and 10% in none of them; 27% of the natives are participate in sports activities, 15% in social activities, 10% in art-cultural activities and 48% are participate in none of them.
Table 5: The Opinion of the Test Subjects about the Benefits of Recreation
Benefits | Psychological benefit |
Social benefit |
Physical benefit |
No benefit |
Total |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
Native | 19 |
19.0 |
21 |
21.0 |
10 |
10.0 |
50 |
50.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Foreign | 17 |
17.0 |
17 |
17.0 |
47 |
47.0 |
19 |
19.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Total | 36 |
36.0 |
38 |
38.0 |
57 |
57.0 |
69 |
69.0 |
200 |
200.0 |
X2=38,477 SD=3 p<0,00
At the table 5, Participant reply the question what the benefits of the recreation is for you like this: 17% of the foreign tell the psychological benefits, 17% state social benefit, 47% say physical benefit and 19% believe there is no benefit. 19% of the natives say there is psychological benefit, 21% state there is social benefit, 10% express there are physical benefits and 50% believe there is no benefit.
Table 6: The Opinion of the Test Subjects about How They Spend Their Vacation
Holiday | Trip Journey |
Visiting relatives |
Sports Activity |
Relaxation |
Social and cultural |
Total |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
Native | 13 |
9.0 |
10 |
6.0 |
25 |
21.0 |
32 |
29.0 |
20 |
17.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Foreign | 3 |
2.0 |
5 |
4.0 |
62 |
61.0 |
10 |
9.0 |
20 |
19.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
It is found at table 5 that 2% of the foreign spend their vacation by tripping journey, 4% spend by visiting relatives, 61% spend by doing sports, 9% spend by relaxing. 5% of the foreign participants do not reply this question.
Natives reply like this: 9% spend by tripping, 6% by visiting relatives, 21% by doing sport, 29% spend by relaxing 17% by doing social and cultural activities. 18% of the natives do not reply this question.
Table 7: The Opinion of the Test Subject about the Situation and the season
The situation and the season of the vacation | Foreign |
Native |
N |
% |
N |
% |
Yes | 89 |
89.0 |
72 |
72.0 |
No | 11 |
11.0 |
28 |
28.0 |
Winter | 55 |
55.0 |
36 |
36.0 |
Summer | 45 |
45.0 |
64 |
64.0 |
At the table 7; the foreign stated about going vacation that 89% say yes, 11% say no, about the season 55% express winter and 45% say summer. On the other hand the natives stated about the going vacation that 72% say yes, and 28% say no, about the season 36% express they go in winter, and 64% say they chose the summer.
4. Discussion and Result
According to results of research with the aim of comparing native and foreign inhabitants' reactive activities who live in tourism regions; 52 percent of native inhabitants who live in Muğla province’s tourism region are female, 48 percent of them are male. 54 percent of foreign inhabitants are female, 46 percent of them are male. It is stated that 47 percent of natives are married, 53 percent of them are single, also 52 percent of foreign are married, 48 percent of them are single.
When the occupations of the individuals are examined; it is stated that 20 percent of natives are official, 47 percent of them are self-employed, 11 percent of them are housewife, 13 percent of them work as workman. It is established that 9 percent of foreign are official, 29 percent of them are self-employed, 45 percent of them are workman and 5 percent of them are housewife.
When tourism regions those individuals live in; it is stated that 61 percent of natives live in Marmaris, 39 percent of them live in Fethiye. Also it is expressed that 51 percent of foreigns live in Marmaris, 49 percent of them live in Fethiye. When asking the individuals how long they have been living that tourism regions; it is found that 7 percent of natives live there for 0-1 year, 41 percent of them live there for 2-5 years, 30 percent of them live there for 6-10 years and 22 percent of them live there over 11 years. It is stated that foreign explain 35 percent of them live there for 0-1 year, 37.6 percent of them live there for 2-5 years, 22.11 percent of them live there for 6-10 years, 6 percent of them live there over 11 years.
When examining the reactive activities that individuals participate; it is confirmed that 70 percent of foreigns are presented at sportive activities, 15 percent of them social activities, 5 percent of them are presented at artistic and cultural activities, 27 percent of natives are presented at sportive activities, 15 percent of them are presented at social activities, 10 percent of them are presented artistic and cultural, 26 percent of them prefer holiday in summer activities. Choosing social, artistic and cultural activities more, it can be said that natives do not prefer effective and active participation.
To be high the proportion of participation of foreigns to sportive activities shows parallelism with the results of Zorba and friends' research its theme "Examining Foreign Tourists' Approaches Concerned With Sportive Recreation Program Who Participate In Recreation Activities In First Class Holiday Village In Muğla" (2001). In the study named the evaluation of the sportive recreation activities that can and his friends present the customer of the travelling agency in Marmaris it is indicated the same thing with the study. And the study show that there is the possibility of the doing water sports and nature sports in the recreational sportive animations carrying out in the travelling agency in the Marmaris one of the best tourism region of the turkey and the region takes place in our study. And there is the recreational surrounding that helps people’s relieving and resting. The satisfaction of the customers is a high level. But, the possibility of doing outside sports is nearly neither sufficient nor incapable. The possibility of the air sports and adrenalin sports is not insufficient.
In opinions related to benefits of recreation activities 47 percent of foreigns talk about existence of physical benefit, 17 percent of them talk about existence of psychological benefit, 21 percent of natives talk about existence of social benefit, 19 percent of them talk about existence of psychological benefit, 10 percent of them also talk about existence of physical benefit. As it is seen in table 5, it is researched what benefits recreation has. It is seen that most of the foreign get physical benefit; on the other hand natives get social benefit. Difference between two groups is found meaningful.
It appears different from Bozatay's research (1998) called a study about reactive activities of government officials. In Bozatay's results of research psychological benefit is in the first line. It is thought that characteristics related to both two researches create difference.
When asking foreigns do you holiday? , 89 percent of them say yes, 11 percent of them say no. It is seen that 51 percent of foreigns prefer holiday in winter, 37 percent of them prefer holiday in summer. 46 percent of natives prefer holiday in winter, 26 percent of them prefer holiday in summer. As it is seen in Table 7 it is examined the condition of holiday of individuals. It is seen that the proportion of going holiday of foreigns is higher than natives.
It is thought that the cause of being high in the proportion of going holiday in winter both two groups is the high season of their region and they pass their summer as working.
5. Conclusion
As a result, in this research recreactive activities of native and foreign individuals who live in Muğla providence, Fethiye, Marmaris districts examine; found that natives do not know the definition of recreation and they prefer passive participation to activities. And it is concluded that foreigns know the definition of recreation and participate activities in an active way.
The reason of the not knowing exactly the definition of recreation can be thought that there is not enough recreation education in our country from primary education to university. As in developing country also in Turkey there is not occurred conscious of recreation in beginning with education, culture, health and sports field and not create recreation activities area are also thought among causes. Also economic causes affect negative to active participation.
When preference ordering of foreign in recreation activities is examined it is seen that sportive activities are in the first line in our country and it shows that, recreation activities except sportive activities are not developing enough in our country.
1.6. The Effects of Natural and Cultural Values on Tourism
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