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Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften | 17. Nr. | Mai 2010 |
Sektion 1.6. | The Effects of Natural and Cultural Values on Tourism Sektionsleiter | Section Chair: Turhan Çetin (Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey) |
Section report 1.6.
The Effects of Natural and Cultural Values on Tourism
Turhan Çetin (Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey) [BIO]
Email: cetin.turhan@gmail.com | turhan@gazi.edu.tr
The aim of this section was to discuss the effects of natural and cultural values on tourism. The starting point of our discussion was that tourism takes an important place for social and economical development of countries. Especially in the last few years, tourism is rapidly developing together with the rapidly changing technology. Natural resources, cultural values and providing accommodations for tourists to get to know these values, providing guidance and transportation services in the best way, are effective factors of developing tourism.
From this point of view, the first presentation with the title A New Touristic Value Uncovered: The Antique City Of Pompeipolis (Tasköprü)dealt with the antique city of Pompeipolis, which is situated in the county of Taskopru of the province of Kastamonu (Turkey). According to the historical records, the Romans after winning the battle against Mitridates, Pontus Pilate and his army in the northern valley of Gökırmak in 64 B.C. settled in this region. The Roman commander Pompeius built a city out of scratch on Zimbilli Hill and called the city Pompeipolis.
Pompeipolis, just like Ephesus, was built by the Romans, but the biggest differentiating factor here between Ephesus and Pompeipolis was that this city was built out of scratch. With the historical artifacts to be discovered, the antique city of Pompeipolis will be the door opening the Black Sea to the world. If the antique city is well promoted and if the necessary investments for tourist visits are made, Pompeipolis, just like Ephesus and Zeugma, will become the symbol of the Black Sea within a short period of time and its name will take place among the sites to be visited in international tourism.
The second presentation analyzed Residents’ Perceptions on the Social and Cultural Impacts of Tourism in Alanya, Turkey. Apart from obvious and visible effects on the economy and the physical environment, tourism can contribute to social and cultural changes in host societies, including changes in value systems, traditional lifestyles, family relationships, individual behavior or community structure. The purpose of this study was to investigate the social and cultural impacts and consequences of tourism in the case of Payallar and Konakli in Alanya, Turkey. Tourism's social and cultural impacts are often difficult to measure, as, to a large extent, they are indirect. The larger the cultural and economic difference between tourists and local residents, the more obvious and more significant changes are. Changes in the host community's quality of life are influenced by two major factors: the tourist-host relationship and the development of the industry itself. The basis of this study was a survey of residents in the two settlements of the Mediterranean region.
The third presentation was Comparison of Foreigns and Natives According to the Recreational Activity in Touristy Places. The paper analyzed the vision of native and foreign people about recreational activities, living in touristy places of Turkey. Moreover a questionnaire was applied and according to the data collected; possible solution were researched. The universe of the research is all native and foreign people living in touristy places in Muğla city. Sample refers to the 200 people (100 native and 100 foreign) living in Marmaris and Fethiye region and voluntarily participate in this study. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics as frequency and percentage distribution and k-square tests in 0.05 significant levels with SPSS. Results indicates that foreign people participation is higher than natives and opposite of natives they are aware of the physical benefits of recreational activities.
The fourth presentation The Importance of Mevlana Celalettin Rumi on the Aspect of Cultural Tourism“ dealt with cultural tourism in Turkey. - Cultural tourism is an important alternative among the actions for diversifying tourism in Turkey. Since the known history of Anatolia, its being on the immigration route on the direction of east and west, many civilizations’ leaving innumerable remainders and every civilization’s influence on the next one have ensured Anatolia to be a very significant location on cultural tourism aspect. Cultural tourism can be regarded as a new type of tourism including all values that form culture and probably the most important activity that helps people understand each other in the world. On this phase, introduction of the works and doctrines of Mevlana Celalettin Rumi which could provide very important contributions to world common culture and peace is very important. “Come, Come again! Whatever you are...Whether you are infidel, idolater or fire worshipper. Whether you have broken your vows of repentance a hundred times This is not the gate of despair, This is the gate of hope. Come, come again...” Mevlana who puts forth his philosophy with these words is a philosopher and a reverend serving for common culture. Hundred thousands of native and foreign tourists wondering his doctrines come to Konya and Mevlana sepulcher in order to see where he lived. And for this thinking style, year 2007 which is his death anniversary has been announced as “World Mevlana Year” by UNESCO.
The fifth presentation An Example to the Cultural Activities in the Eastern Black Sea Coastal Mountains: Yayla (Mountain Pastures) Festivals dealt with the Eastern Black Sea Part. The eastern part of Black Sea Region locates between the River Melet, which enters the sea in the east of Ordu, and Georgia border. Mountain pasture festivals are an important component in transhumance culture. Festivals that have interesting features, organized once in a year in definite mountain pastures by the people of the region, are traditional outdoor entertainments for delight and relaxing that include first of all horon, various folk dances, competitions and sport contests. These festivals are generally named as şenlik, but they are called in some counties of Trabzon (Tonya, Vakfıkebir, Şalpazarı, Beşikdüzü, Akçaabat) and in some mountain pastures of Gümüşhane as Dernek, Çürük Ortası, Otçular and in pastures of Rize they are named as Vartivor (Vartavor) or Hodoç which is known as Yayla Ortası and mean rose festival or herbage festival. And the participants of the festival are called Şenlikçi, Dernekçi, and Vartivorcu. - Lots of festivals are held in different times through the all trashumance season in the mountain pastures in Eastern Black Sea. The most important of these are Otçular, Karadağ, Izmiş, Çambaşı, Bektaş, Kümbet, Honeftera, Sisdağı, Sivri, Kafkasör and Kazıkbeli.
The last paper dealth with The Hunting Tourism Potential In Akseki (Antalya – Turkey). Turkey is very suitable position to development of tourism in geographical position, flora and wildlife. From this point of view published new act and guide in two year so as to for development of tourism. According to new act and guide except government hunting to be laid foundation will be able to us effort hunting tourism, private and model hunting. Antalya and locally region to Antalya, especially developed region of sea tourism, to be critically important for national hunting tourism. To take place among this huntings “Akseki hunting” has been excellent reflecting both region and national hunting tourism potential. Wild boar and especially chamois classes in Akseki have been to adding to the weight of hunting area.
Finally in this section the influence of natural and cultural values on tourism has been discussed. It is determined that natural richness and cultural values have positive effects on international tourism and cultural interaction.
Once again to perform festivals, carnivals, symposions, discussions, conferences and publicity in small residental areas accelerates the promotion of these places in the international tourism arena. In the end archeological excavations, have made ancient cities and its sections which were revealed, to be known in all countries and made the tourism potential of such places accelerate to make progress. This kind of systematically made studies will have positive effects on the natural and cultural heritage on the related countries all over the world.
1.6. The Effects of Natural and Cultural Values on Tourism
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