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Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften | 17. Nr. | September 2010 |
Sektion 2.2. | Identity, Authenticity, Locality, Urbanity and Speech Community: A New Sociolinguistic Perspective | Identität, Authentizität, lokale- und städtische Veränderungen und Sprachgemeinschaften: Eine neue soziolinguistische Perspektive Sektionsleiter | Section Chairs: Meryem Şen (Kocaeli University, Turkey), İmran Karabağ |
Beyond the borders of the speech communities:
Construction of identity as a ‘member’ of the ‘global’ academic discourse community
Hatice Cubukcu (Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey) [BIO]
Email: cubukcuh@yahoo.com
This paper seeks to describe the linguistic strategies that academics employ while claiming identities as ‘members’ of the global academic discourse community. Data obtained from three international conferences on Linguistics comprise questions and comments issued by the audience during the contributions phase following conference presentations. The micro analysis of the data indicates that the researchers have intensively made use of meta discourse while providing feedback for the conference presentations through which they also displayed their academic competence and thus claimed identity proper as members of the global academic discourse community. More significantly, this process described in the research illustrates how strictly the discoursal practices of the individual researcher are constrained by the norms of the global discourse community.
While English has become ‘the lingua franca of the whole world’, it has also been the major defining feature of the ‘global academic ‘discourse community’. Discourse community as a socio-rhetorical construct, may be defined as “a group of individuals bound by a common interest who communicate through approved channels and whose discourse is regulated ”(Porter,1992:38). According to Swales (1990, 1993), “ a threshold level of membership” to a discourse community, requires “suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise” along with the knowledge of shared norms and values. (also see. Swales 1983; Bizzell,1990; Miller, 1993). Claiming membership of the academic discourse community, then, calls for, among other things, acquiring proficiency in the academic genres, i.e., the mastery of their rhetorical patterns (Swales, 1990; Rowlet-Jolivet and Carter-Thomas,2005); and ‘discoursal expertise’, i.e.; the acquisition of academic competence, that generally needs to be displayed in the English language. We may assume that this process, mainly involves the penetration of macro- level norms and constraints of the discourse community into the micro(individual) practices, the consequences of which seem to be significant both for the individual researcher and eventually for the society of which the researcher is a member of. To exemplify, internalizing the ‘required’ rhetorical patterns in academic communication entails internalizing the ‘required’ rationalization models (i.e., thinking systems). And, yet the acquisition of academic competence seems to be an inevitable task for the researcher to become a member of the global academic discourse community; as otherwise, his/her recognition as a scholar is at stake. Shortly, this is where the buzzy term, ‘global’ fits in this study.Conventions of academic communication has been intensively investigated through the written forms such as, research articles, book reviews, dissertations abstracts etc (e.g. Hyland,1998; Nuyts, 2000; Thompson, 2005), because such significant genres, as expressed by Hyland (1998, p.439), “…are integral to a discipline’s methodology as they ensure that information is conveyed in ways that conform to its norms and ideology. Such norms and ideologies which aresanctioned by a consensus among community members “both constrain the use of particular discursive forms and authorize permitted variations within them.”
However, although much of the academic communication takes place in speech – more than in writing, as Mauranen (2001) claims, limited attention has been directed to the investigation of spoken academic genres(1). Such studies have examined some characteristic features of spoken forms, such as, rhetorical patterns, meta-discourse, discourse organization etc, in lectures and conference presentations ( e.g. Bamford, 2005; Rowlet-Jolivet and Carter-Thomas, 2005). Also, the need for investigating oral academic genres was heavily emphasized towards helping scientific researchers participate more effectively in the discourse practices in their fields.
In this study, while I investigate the linguistic strategies that academics employ to construct identities as ‘members’ of the global academic discourse community, I will focus on a specific type of spoken academic activity, namely, the ‘contributions’ section of conference presentations, during which the audience issue their questions and comments regarding the paper(s) presented in that session.
I also assume that this study will yield implications regarding two more issues; namely, a) the participant researchers’ concepts of ‘academic competence’ and, b) some characteristic features of the ‘contributions’ section of conference presentations, which I consider to be a sub-genre, following Rowlet-Jolivet and Carter-Thomas (2005) who use the same term for the ‘introduction’ sections of conference presentations.
This paper will develop in the following fashion: first, I will present three basic terms, important for the construction of the study, namely, discourse community. academic competence and meta discourse before describing the data and the method of analysis respectively. The key concept ‘identity,’ has been reserved to be presented there in the methodology section in its relation to interactional discourse. In the findings section the data will be categorized, and exemplified. And the conclusion section provides an overall view of the work and the main points suggested..
Discourse Community
Although the term discourse community draws upon the concept of Hymes’ speech community,(2) it shows some basic differences in that, while discoursal characteristics of the speech community develops around the communicative needs such as socialization or group solidarity, the concept of discourse community itselfis a “socio-rhetorical construct” (Swales,1990, 1993).
Some basic features of discourse community are highlighted in Swales (1993) as follows:
Academic’s Competence and Meta-discourse (MD)
While it is suggested that academic’s competence involves familiarizing with the conventional discursive practices of a particular disciplinary community (Swales,1990), what is inherent in this statement is the need for the acquisition of a series of interpersonal skills along with the expertise in content and formal features of different academic genres. At this point the use of meta discourse i.e.; seems to be an important tool for the researcher for both establishing and displaying his/her competence in the academic activity, because meta-discourse signifies the ‘aspects of text which explicitly refer to the organization of discourse, or the writer’s (speaker’s) stance towards its content or the audience’ (Swales, 1990; Crismore et al.,1989). As stated by Hyland (1998, p.440),
Meta-discourse seeks to establish an appropriate discipline -defined balance between researcher’s authority as expert-knower and his/her humility as disciplinary servant. … and this is principally accomplished through a judicious balance of tentativeness and assertion and experiences of a suitable relationship to one’s data, arguments and audience.
This view has been supported by various scholars who further suggest that investigating meta-discoursal practices of academics may reveal some assumptions underlying academic’s competence (e.g.Mauranen,1993; Adel, 2003). And, it is this view that I will follow in this study. To specify, in order to identify the linguistic strategies used towards creating academic identity proper, I will detect the meta discourse employed by the researchers while making contributions through questions and comments in academic conferences.
The data in this study comprise of 85 questions and comments posed by the audience during the ‘contributions section’ of conference presentations, in 3 recent international academic conferences in the field of Linguistics.
To specify, data come from, The 9th, International Conference On Pragmatics, (Riva del Garda, Italy, 2005), The 3rd International Conference on Organization in Discourse (Turku, Finland, 2006), and The 13th. International Conference on Turkish Linguistics (Uppsala, Sweden, 2006).
While doing the recordings personally, I have also taken field notes regarding contextual information. Lastly, as these conferences are well established organizations which host a large body of scholars, including many renown figures in the field from various countries, I assume that the data represent the field adequately.
Two points that have been revealed in prior research have guided my choice for the method of investigation in this study. The first one is the observation (Swales and Malchevski,1993, quoted in Bamford, 2006, p.18), that oral genres have many characteristics of typical conversation, contrary to the earlier findings which stressed the similarities of oral genres with the written forms; and therefore, they are much more ‘multi-faceted’ and complex . The next point of departure in this study is the vital interconnection between academic competence and the use of meta discourse (e.g.Mauranen,1993; Hyland,1998; Adel,2003). Therefore, it is also assumed in this study that investigating ‘meta-discoursal practices of academics’ may reveal some assumptions underlying academic’s competence which in turn, may be interpreted as linguistic strategies researchers use to claim membership in the disciplinary community. To specify, I will detect the meta discourse employed by the researchers while issuing questions and comments following conference presentations in order to identify the linguistic strategies used by speakers towards creating academic identity proper, as members of the Global academic discourse community.
While doing the micro analyses of the data, I will focus on the meta discourse by which the contributor participants enveloped their questions and/ or comments rather than focusing on the questions and comments, themselves. It is because, questions and comments, per se, can be regarded as acts of identity by their very function which reflects the researcher’s intention to make a contribution or make an inquiry on the ongoing topic; i.e, (more often than not) display the researcher’s expertise about the topic, almost regardless of their content.
While interpreting the data regarding identity, I have adapted the social constructivist view of ‘identity’ which suggests that ‘identity’ is discursively created, in that, the method seems to fit well in the analysis conversational data (see, Tannen,1986, 2007; Gordon, 2007). According to the constructivist view, as Ochs (1993:296) states, “at any given actual moment, interactants are actively constructing their social identities in all types of discourse, rather than passively living out some cultural prescription of social identity” and that construction of identity is a collaborative work achieved through negotiation between the interactants. It is to say that a speaker’s claim for a certain social identity requires ratification of other interlocutors. A successful accomplishment of a certain social identity also, requires the participants of the interaction to share the cultural knowledge of the context that makes a specific type of identity relevant at a specific instant of the conversation. In other words, social identities are very much context specific, and in this respect, a person has no single fixed social identity but multiple identities (Antaki,1998).
Some recent studies namely Ochs (1993),Tamen (2007), Gordon (2007) who have analyzed naturally occurring everyday conversation such as the examples of family talk, workplace interaction, school meetings, have observed that while speakers were talking about trivial matters of everyday such as asking questions, telling stories and responding others etc. they were constructing various identities such as ‘responsible parents’, ‘intimate friends’, ‘considerate bosses’ etc. They have identified such linguistic acts as social acts that enable the speaker create a certain social identity. For example, a mother’s questions insisting to learn about the details of the child’s day, would be identified as acts towards construction of a ‘concerned-mother’ identity in American society (Tannen,2007).
Through a close analysis of the textual meta discourse in this study, I hope to identify to what aspects of academic competence the researchers have indexed their verbal behaviors. Such verbal behaviors will be identified as linguistic acts which contribute to the researcher to invoke an identity of a competent researcher, following the descriptive method employed in Tannen (2007).
The micro level analyses of the contributions events under examination, have revealed that speakers have employed meta discourse extensively in their speech as illustrated in table Table 1. To specify, out of 85 speakers, 78 have wrapped their questions /comments within MD, while we have come across only 7 cases where the contributors directly posed their questions or comments to the presenter without using any pre or post sequences of MD. This high frequency (88%) in MD preference, seems to reflect the degree of researchers’ concern (and awareness) in tailoring their utterances to the specific academic and social environment while making the best of the opportunity to speak in the limited time allowed for them.
Table 1: Participants’ preference in using Meta Discourse
MD(+) |
% |
MD (-) |
% |
Total Number |
% |
78 |
88 |
7 |
12 |
85 |
100 |
As illustrated inTable 2, below, the total of 228 cases of MD detected in this study were grouped under two main categories following Hyland’s (1998) classification; namely, textual meta discourse and interpersonal meta discourse which are distributed by 47 percent and 53 percent respectively. Textual MD, involves various aspects of formal organization of the text, as opposed to interpersonal meta discourse which is to do with establishing relationship between the reader and the writer and “anticipating subjective negotiability of statements” (Hyland,1998,p.442)
However, in this study, I have limited myself with the textual meta discourse only, for reasons of space, and not that interpersonal MD seemed to be less significant as a tool for constructing academic identity. According to Hyland (p.442-3) textual meta discourse represents the presence of the audience in the text in terms of writer’s or speaker’s ( added by the author) awareness of processing constraints and the extent to which the writer wishes to restrict the reader’s selection of alternative interpretations” .
Table 2: Distribution of Meta Discourse Categories
Textual MD |
% |
Interpersonal MD |
% |
Total |
% |
107 |
47 |
121 |
53 |
228 |
100 |
Textual Meta Discourse as researcher’s tool for identity construction
A further examination of the 107 cases of textual meta discourse encountered in the data, based on the 5 sub categories(3), has yielded however, an interesting result, in that only one type of textual MD, namely, Frame Markers, have been used by the participants. Frame Markers explicitly refer to discourse acts related to the schematic text structure, as suggested by Hyland and by others, (e.g.see, Mauranen, 2001) although termed somewhat differently, serve two basic functions, i.e., they signal shifts in the discourse boundaries (e.g. first, then, in sum) or announce discourse goals preparing the audience for the next step in arguments (e.g. my aim here, I will try to)
As illustrated in Table 3, the Frame Markers, detected in the datafall into three categories; in other words, the participants in our study ‘framed’ their questions and comments towards three functions at speech act level: 1) they announced the type of contribution they were about to make; more specifically, they mentioned whether they were about to ask a question(Q) or provide a comment(C) 2) they signaled the link between their forthcomingQ/C and those of other contributors who had initially taken the floor, in the same speech event. 3) they provided information/clues about the content or form of their upcoming Q/C.
Table 3: Functional Distribution of Frame Markers
Functions |
Tokens |
% |
Mentioning the type of the contribution (Q/C) |
78 |
73 |
Referring to previous contributions Q/C |
22 |
21 |
Mentioning the topic of the Q/C |
7 |
6 |
Total |
107 |
100 |
In the remaining part of the paper I will discuss how the participants have made use of the above mentioned functions of textual meta discourse to communicate their academic competence and towards claiming identities as members of the global academic discourse community.
Mentioning the contribution- type
It has been observed that, in 78 of the cases, speakers announced specifically whether they were about to ask a question or provide a comment, through pre sequences such as “My question is…”, “ Just a very minor question…”, “ May I make a comment regarding…”, . Since this frequency is equal to the number of people that have made use of MD (see, Table 1), I have further investigated whether this category has been used more than once by any speaker, or each case corresponds to a different person. The conclusion was that, all the speakers who tended to use MD did employ this category. Considering that it is performed by 88% of the whole body of participants it can be marked as a generic feature of this specific academic subgenre of the contributions event.
By mentioning whether the contribution would be a question or a comment, the researcher claims that his/her contribution to the ongoing communicative event (the purpose of which is to get feedback from the audience) is a relevant one. By this s/he also displays his/her awareness of the generic constraints of the academic activity. Shortly, by this way, the speaker not only explicitly relates his/her utterance to the current speech event, but also claims his/her self to be relevant to that specific context.(4) In other words, these verbal acts performed through the meta discourse may be regarded as linguistic acts, towards claiming membership of the given discourse community, or simply towards creating an ‘academic’identity.
Referring to previous contributions
In 22 of the cases, contributors either signaled or mentioned explicitly the connection between their contributions and the Q/C s previously issued in that occasion by others. I have come across this kind of framing in most of the sessions. However, there were a couple of instances in which all (or the most) of the participants used this strategy following one another, as illustrated below. While providing examples from the data, names of the participants were represented through numbers preceded by letters, such as A12, B 04, letters signifying different sessions, and numbers standing for the order that the participants took the floor to make their contributions in that specific session.
Excerpt 1:
A 01 : I wonder if…
A 02 : My question is related to the previous one in a way…
A 03: Not specifically to follow up the previous question but……
A 04: Did the male characters in the play…*…
A 05: Mine is not a question but a short comment … …
*this speaker does not refer to others
The instances of MD above took place within a single speech event comprising of 5 contributions. Following the question of the first contributor (A01), the second speaker explicitly signals that her question is somehow related (regarding its content) to the previous one. The third and fifth participants also connect their utterances by mentioning the type of the contribution.
It seems that by referring to the previous Q /C s produced by other contributors in the same event, speakers explicitly connect their utterances to those of other participants, thus both secure the relevance of their contribution to the ongoing discussion and also maintain the overall coherence .
These acts are also significant as they mark the speaker’s contribution within the structure of the currently developing interaction,i.e, within the structure of the new text that is being jointly woven by the participants at another level. Maybe, we could call it a meta-text.
Shortly, it is through these acts that the speakers exhibited their active participation in this complex (and artful) task of creating this meta text as a part of their academic competence, and thus claim both their contributions and the persona to be relevant in that specific academic activity. In short, the participants use this particular MD, again, to claim membership of the academic discourse community, or to claim an academic identity proper.
Mentioning the topic of the question and comments
Finally, the third category of textual MD employed by the participants, includes conveying clues regarding the content or manner of the contributions to be made. In our data, 7 cases have been observed to be preceded by MD in this respect as seen in the examples below:
Excerpt 2
B 07: “My question will be about the multi functionality of the utterances in”…
Excerpt 3
C 03: “the table please, yes I have a question about your statistics.....”
Excerpt 4
C 06: “Sorry, I’m also a bit puzzled by your categorization system, my question is....”
By mentioning the topic of the succeeding utterance, speakers related their contributions to the central subject matter of the ongoing conversation, i.e., thus both communicated their knowledge of the content and claimed to have expertise in the field.
However, it was often difficult to isolate the three different sub categories of MD as they frequently operated simultaneously, as in the excerpts 2,3,4 above. While in the first two, each embodies two different types of framing MD, excerpt 4 performs the three simultaneously (see table 3). Shortly put, the linguistic acts realized through meta discourse, seem to help the researcher in the process of constructing an identity as a member of the academic discourse community, and hence they may be identified as identity acts, recalling Kiesling’s (2006) words on the identity work: “Identities are means of contextualizing speakers in a given situation ,i.e, making their presence and conduct relevant.”
The micro analysis of textual meta discourse preceding the questions and comments, obtained from three international conferences on Linguistics, has shown that the participants tried to establish identities evoking the membership features of the global academic discourse community by communicating their academic competence. In doing so, the participants heavily relied on textual MD, only one of which appeared to be significant in this study.
More specifically, the participants made use of textual MD in aligning [making relevant] their presence to the specific academic event by aligning themselves to the audience; and also to the content of the research just presented and by maintaining the textual coherence of the ongoing communicative event. Shortly, I suggest that the participants displayed their expertise of the content, and awareness of the norms of the academic event, thus claimed to be a part of the academic discourse community via employing meta discourse.
Although the findings in this study has revealed certain characteristic features of the contribution speech event, (or the sub genre) whether these features are peculiar to this sub genre in the field of Linguistics , remains unclear, because, in order to be able to specify them, we need to have a set of research findings related to other disciplinary communities that are comparable .
Finally, we can say that while speakers make comments on the academic presentations, ask questions, issue criticisms, challenge, or praise…etc. in the course of the complex multi- layer interaction, simultaneously, they claim identities as members of the global academic discourse community, through a series of linguistic acts. However, the choice of one single type of textual MD (frame markers) in this study, by all the (77) participants coming from different parts of the world, must be worth some attention, since it seems to correspond to the degree to which the discoursal practices of the researchers are constrained by the conventions of the discourse community in question.
References :
2.2. Identity, Authenticity, Locality, Urbanity and Speech Community: A New Sociolinguistic Perspective | Identität, Authentizität, lokale- und städtische Veränderungen und Sprachgemeinschaften: Eine neue soziolinguistische Perspektive
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