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Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften | 17. Nr. | Juni 2010 |
Sektion 8.19. | Transformation of personality oriented civil society in the context of being and development of economy od service and post-industrial civilization Sektionsleiter | Section Chair: Mikhail Blumenkrantz (München, Deutschland) |
Section report 8.19.
Transformation of Personality-Oriented Civil Society in the Context of Being and Development of Economy of Service and Post-industrial Civilization
Gennady Uzilevsky (Orel, Russia, Regional Academy of State Service) [BIO]
Email: guzilevsky@orel.ru
28 contributions were delivered in this section. They were divided into three groups:
The first group of contributions was opened by my report “Essential foundations of transition to personality-oriented civil society”. They include:
These foundations have aided in defining civil society through the generic notion and the kindred distinction. CS definition has been presented in the following way: Civil society is multi-dimensional non-linear personality-oriented noumenon- phenomenal and concurrently material-ideal (= mental)-spiritual formation, aimed first and foremost at constant assistance in displaying creative potential of human genus’s and generic human’s kinds and every citizen’s personality in a democratic country.
CS features, functions and distinctions have been found out from the positions of anthropo-semiotic bottom-up approach. Their analysis manifests the extraordinary importance of civil society in the light of the new stage of human genus evolution and social institutes and world co-society development.
Veniamin Epshtein (Wuppertal, Germany) in his contribution On transition to personality-oriented civil society from the positions of general theory of developing systems has supported the conclusions: human genus, generic human and symbolic personality implicatively prescribe development of social institutes; they are a starting point of the research of social institutes and criteria of their activities evaluation; CS could potentially transit into personality-oriented formation. In this regard the application of general theory of developing systems to personality-oriented CS research has been shown.
While unveiling the theme Eco-ethics as a starting point of personality-oriented civil society formation Vladimir Volchenko (Moscow, Russia) has shown that the way out from current demographic, ecological, economical, political, etc. crises is seen in spiritual regeneration of all spheres of life. The development of spiritual beginning in democratic countries is connected with transformation of civil society into personality-oriented formation in developed countries and building up of personality-oriented civil societies in developing countries including Russia. This assertion is well-grounded by information-energetic model of vitality created by the scientist. This model became the basis of working out the conception of eco-ethics aimed at the realization of leadership of spiritual beginning in a country’s life. It is justified that eco-ethics can become a starting point of personality-oriented civil society being in developed and developing countries.
Waleriy Amelin (Orel, Russia) has pointed to the importance of Russian cosmists’ heredity for investigation of the research subject “Antimony “personality and society” and ways of its considerable overcoming”. N. Berdiaev’s, S. Bulgakov’s, and S. Frank’s interpretations of human being as a mono-dual or two-natured creature are considered. Their understanding of ties between society and cosmos is taken into account. In this respect various interrelated aspects of the “personality <––> society” antinomy, induced by the inner and outer factors, are analyzed.
Vladimir Andreev (Orel, Russia) has represented S. Beer’s renovated model of viable systems (VSM) for diagnostics of CS state and elaboration of structures needed for its viability provision in his contribution Personality-oriented civil society as a viable system. Isomorphically, VSM includes five subsystems. Their analysis has shown that symbolic personality as a constituent of generic human is a key element that unites these subsystems into a dynamically-functioning wholistic system. The necessity of CS transition into personality-oriented society follows from this assertion.
While discussing the theme Ethics of the East, youth- and personality-oriented civil society, Tatiana Murashkina (Moscow, Russia) has revealed the peculiarities of the next-in-turn circle of evolution of human genus. They include: the time of comprehension of world in the unity of its invisible (metaphysical) and visible (phenomenal) constituents has come; Homo is a starting point of social systems research; needs in synthetic research of spiritual, mental spheres of a human being, his/her intuition and super-consciousness have become apparent. In this regard the wisdom of the East and the Teaching of Living Ethics are considered in the application to upbringing, education and socialization of youth. It is asserted that the growth of responsibility of youth for every feeling, thought and action will aid in spiritual regeneration of personalities, societal and economic relations. The ties between a new spiritual oriented innovative generation and the transformation civil society to personality-oriented formation are revealed.
Eugeny Turin (Orel, Russia) has considered displays of highest power as noumenal reality by the analysis of theocracy in its historical perspective. It helps him to interpret theocracy as noumenon-phenomenal formation that creates a sacred image of power, stimulates the singleness of purposes for society development and constructs national self-identification of personality. The practical value of studying theocracy consists in choosing political technologies as the means of society consolidation in the conditions of cardinal changes of social and political systems.
Elena Savinova (Orel, Russia) has dedicated her contribution to the system of institutes aimed at personality political socialization in new historical conditions of 21st century. The political functions of these institutes are considered. The influence of specificity of the stage of state or civil society evolution upon the objects in research is outlined. It has been shown that character of purposeful impact of socialization agents upon a human is essentially varied according to what social institute acts as a subject of socializing influence: state or social society. The obtained results manifest that the formation of personality oriented CS is determined by the character of impact and level of efficiency of political socialization institutions.
The chain: “Homo as noumenon <––> metaphysic stage of fundamental science methodology evolution <––> revolutionary achievements in engineering ––> appearance of economy of service <––> appearance of postindustrial civilization <––> necessity of personality-oriented civil society” has been studied by Elena Kastornova (Orel, Russia) in her report Personality-oriented civil society as challenge to pedagogic science and practice. Its analysis has shown that the transition of civil society to personality-oriented formation generates a great need for re-interpretation of pedagogic science and practice foundations in the context of views about nature of human gender, generic human, symbolic personality and about ultra-early children’s ability to upbringing and education.
Alexei Dvorianov (Augsburg, Germany) has opened the second group of reports with his contribution Confidence as inner determinant of personality-oriented civil society. It has been shown that the object in research is a valuable social resource which aids in self-organization of social subjects activities. While considering confidence as a mechanism aimed at reducing tension between people, he interprets it as an emergent feature of social reality. Displaying of confidence at individual, corporative and societal levels allows the researcher to qualify it as a means of harmonizing the relations of humans with the outer world.
Local self-government has been considered by Vladimir Lazarev (Augsburg, Germany) as the outer determinant of personality-oriented civil society. Personality beginning in civil society, state and local self-government represents itself as an integral characteristic of three personality displays: Homo, citizen and inhabitant. Taking the intermediate position between civil society and state, local self-government helps the inhabitant to realize his/her rights as personality in the local co-society. In this respect the latter exerts essential influence upon the civil society.
Andrey Tupitsyn (Orel, Russia) has dedicated his report to interpretation of small business as outer determinant of personality-oriented civil society. In this regard essential ties of economy of service with CS are revealed. The prevalence of small business in the whole structure of the economy of developed countries is shown. The influence of small computer business upon the local social life, local self-government activities, etc. has been traced. Such phenomena as “personalization” of small business and cardinal new motivation of owners and their collaborators are discussed as signs of personality-oriented CS.
Waleriy Molotilov (Orel, Russia) has shown in his contribution Struggle against HIV/AIDS pandemic as outer determinant of personality-oriented civil society that the necessity of the latter transition into personality-oriented material-ideal-spiritual formation is determined by a great need in uniting people to solve mankind’s problems, including the infection stated above. He underlined the importance of N. Berdiaev’s, S. Bulgakov’s and V. Rozanov’s heredity, who pointed out that gender is a noumenal indicator of displaying moral principles in the concrete human. The regenerated morals on the basis of systemically organized struggle with the pandemic are interpreted by him as an outer determinant of personality-oriented civil society.
In his speech Grigori Neufeld (Blankenheim, Germany) has considered a very interesting experience of spiritual rehabilitation of drug addicts in the connection with personality-oriented CS. The rehabilitation system is based on the orientation to sense in place of the orientation to drug addicts’ condition. In this case, corresponding programs, abilities and forces are being activated that gives patients a refreshing stimulus for regenerating their states. New life defining factors that are formed in addicts can change their existing sense of living and consequently make better their physical conditions states. The speaker connects his experience with transition of civil society to personality-oriented one, because the spiritual metaphysic beginning is its starting point. In other words, the spiritual renewal of patients’ personalities favors the personality society formation.
In her contribution Civil society discourse in Russian modernism and French post-modernism (Vasiliy Rozanov and Michael Foucault) Svetlana Klimova (Belgorod, Russia) made a successive effort to trace the alliance between the heritage of the Russian and French thinkers. It is shown that they transformed the problem of the “private discourse” into meta-language fit to conceive and describe the essence of the societal life and epoch as a whole, and drew attention to personality-oriented social communications and emergence of new types of societal communities. It aids her in considering personality-oriented civil society as a prologue for re-emergence of the wholeness.
Ritva Lindroos (Loviisa, Finnland) has made an interesting effort to analyze biographies of owners as the way of studying personality-oriented society. The empirical data, obtained by the speaker, point to the fact that the biographies reflect inner and outer conditions of civil society transition to personality-oriented formation.
Vladimir Schekotikhin (Orel, Russia) has dedicated his contribution to the theme Etatisation of societal relations as a problem of personality-oriented civil Society formation. The democratic type of state etatisation was revealed and defined by him as a variety of current forms of etatisation. It is concluded that a democratic political order is not a direct condition for minimizing state impact upon societal relations. Nevertheless, democracy opens up more possibilities for personality-oriented civil society formation that, in its turn, will influence upon a considerable reduction in etatisation manifestations of a state.
Anatoliy Kharchenko (Orel, Russia) has opened the third group of contributions with the report Spiritual regeneration of people and personality-oriented civil society formation in the context of I. Iliyn's heredity. Three super-goals: construction of democratic state, building up of economy of service, formation of civil society, which should be realized by Russia in the 21st century, are considered in the context of primacy of the spiritual regeneration and renewal of humans. In this regard CS ties with social institutes, such as family, state, economy of service, are traced in order to stimulate displaying of highest moral principles: goodness and beauty, freedom and responsibility, love and creativity in the new generation, to focus future innovators on self-actualization, self-renewal and self-re-interpretation and connection of personal and social, earthly and cosmic, to obtain the high level of aristocracy that aids in realizing legal consciousness and growth of self-control and self-management in the country, etc. The foregoing favors the gradual development of Russian civil society in the direction of formation of personality-oriented social institute.
Valentin Babintsev (Belgorod, Russia) has considered the interesting theme Society and the state in Russia: social barriers on the way of civil dialogue. It is shown that the state and the society coexist, representing detached social-cultural worlds and keeping away more and more from each other. The basic barriers that hamper civil dialogue and constructive interaction of these structures have been revealed. They include: social-cultural barrier; corporate-bureaucratic barrier and professional-educational barrier. Overcoming of these barriers seems to open up the way to gradual and long transition to personality-oriented civil society.
Oksana Malahova (Orel, Russia) has shown in her contribution that CS formation as wholistic quality differentiated social phenomenon is hindered by the destruction of one-value normative system and the absence of the new one in now-a-days Russia. Naturally, it makes difficult the integration of people into society because the considerable part of citizen feels alienation from social and political processes. It is underlined that CS subsystems of subjects, institutions, and values, norms, settings, etc. are not functionally effective in the context of personal and political needs realization. The weakness of civil society institutions at the current stage of democratic development in Russia is to a certain degree compensated by the state, which tries not only to form the legal frontiers, but also to participate in subjects activities.
Natalia Balakireva (Orel, Russia) has dedicated her report to the problem of transition to personality-oriented civil society in the context of theoretical and practical foundations of current information space development. It is noted that concentration of information streams circulated now in global information space considerably widens concrete personality’s opportunities to construct more or less holistic information picture of the world, on the one hand, and contributes to the considerable reduction of personality’s information control of its self-being, on the other hand. The current stage of Russia development is characterized by dominating simulacrization of social and political processes and decreasing both territorial and personality identity value. It is underlined that the controversial impact of these tendencies upon the development of the country does exist. She comes to a conclusion that the only systemic development of the civil society will aid in displaying civil and civilization identities of the state.
Alexander Fisun (Orel, Russia) has shown in his contribution Development of legal foundations of information safety of personality-oriented civil society that one of the problems of this institute’s construction in Russia is creation of adequate information legislation and branches of law to control information-public relations (IPR) in the sphere of information safety support of a human being. Information and its features are considered as the main object of IPR, and personality as a main subject of the latter. The solution of the problem is discussed; the goals of the latter are defined by taking into account humans’ values, needs and wants.
Tamara Javoronkova (Orel, Russia) has considered human being primacy as the basis of interaction of the Public chamber of the Orel Region with local self-government through the plenipotentiary of the chamber and members of expert commissions in the city’s Soviet of People Deputies. The mechanisms of influence by the Public chamber and public non-commercial organizations of the Orel Region upon obtaining and realizing solutions by bodies of authorities are considered. Various joint projects of public organizations with organs of authorities aimed at the betterment of spiritual, cultural and social life are described.
George Samostroenko (Orel, Russia) has interpreted local self-government and Public chamber as factors of personality-oriented CS construction in Russia. It is shown that such orientation should penetrate all society vertically and horizontally. Vertical subsystem works out the conditions, in which other orientation is impossible; horizontal subsystem organizes the concrete work with a concrete person. In this respect horizontal subsystem basic work is laid on bodies of authorities of local self-government and Public chamber. Their tasks have been revealed. It is concluded that local government and Public chamber are the important factors, capable to stimulate people’s consciousness and activities to create personality-oriented civil society in Russia.
While considering social and economic determinants of raising quality of life and promoting personality self-realization in civil society, Lola Kolpina (Belgorod, Russia) has found out main causes that hinder formation of a personality-oriented society, and as consequence, personality self-realization. It is shown that the necessity of civil society strengthening dictates changing of the paradigm of the state policy for betterment of quality of life, its social and economic determinant and activating civil initiatives aimed at creation of conditions for high-grade personality self-realization.
Natalia Segedina (Belgorod, Russia) has pointed out in her contribution Improvement of the population quality of life as the basis of strategy of regional development in Russia that the conceptual substantiation of social development strategy and the creation of the program aimed at improvement of the population quality of life, are the most important goals of civil society being in Russia. The essence of the control and management strategy aimed at betterment of population’s quality of life has been revealed, formulated and discussed.
Analyzing the role of tourism in personality-oriented civil society formation, Olga Chimitdorgieva (Orel, Russia) has noted that the development of tourism in the space of economy of services is connected with diversification of production, growth of standard of living and occurrence of a great volume of free time, which can be used for him/herself, family, and society as a whole. She has also traced ties of tourism with political sphere, science and education as social institutes. Exerting a wholesome effect upon human being, tourism makes a positive influence on civil society. The researcher has come to conclusion that tourism due to its great potential is able to aid in personality-oriented CS formation in Russia.
Irina Nedelina (Orel, Russia) has made an interesting attempt to generalize the experience of interaction of Orel and Offenbach-on-Main as partner-towns since 1987. The investigation has shown that such personality-oriented civil partnership assists in developing mutually beneficial relations, solving social, economic and ecological problems, bringing together people from different countries and giving a new impulse to their own development. It is safe to assume that the massive interaction between partner-towns in both countries will aid in transition of their civil societies personality-oriented formations.
8.19. Transformation of personality oriented civil society in the context of being and development of economy od service and post-industrial civilization
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